Calling all NY salmon fishers!



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Guys and Gals,

It's been a few years now, but the last time I fished the Salmon/Brown trout run in New York, a gentleman gave me and a buddy a fly that absolutely caught the lake-run browns. I lost mine later that day and my buddy kept his, but has lost it since. What I can remember is that it was a wetfly in the size range of 14 or 16, had golden pheasant tips as a tail and a wing. We were fishing in the Olcott area and the guy said this was the go-to pattern that time of year. Any help would be appreciated.

what color was the body? was it dubbed?was it wrapped with a chenille?wrapped with tinsel?rib?what kind?was there a palmer wrap?was there a collar?what color? details are everything.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
p.s. was it a wet fly? soft hackle? nymph? hair wing wet?
If I remembered all that I wouldn't needed to ask?? Not sure of the body material, it was a wet fly with a hackle collar and a golden pheasant tippet for wings and tail. It wasn't a chennille or palmered and the more I think about it there may have been a tinsel body.

Blue sponge 6 ft below 8oz of shot!
flyfishermanj wrote:
t wasn't a chennille or palmered and the more I think about it there may have been a tinsel body.


Any of those look familar?

The one on the bottom left is close, this pattern was smaller though and the wing a lot shorter. What pattern is that?

Tippet and Silver, from Helen Shaw's Flies for Fish and Fishermen. Golden pheasant tippet tail and wing, silver flat tinsel ribbed with silver french tinsel. Not sure if its badger or furnace for the throat.

I'll look at the book when I wander upstairs.

Upper right corner is just a 4x long streamer version.
Gfen did you tie them?
Long while ago, yes.

FWIW, Tippet and Silver is what I said with a badger throat. Shaw recommends an orange-dyed feather for more impact.

Tailing should be the second black bar barely out from the body of the fly, with only a touch of the orange visible, almost tag like. The wing's black tip should line up with this portion of the tailing.

In other words, my example's tail and wing are both too long.