


Active member
Oct 18, 2006
With all the arrangements for mini jams, instructional days, stream clean ups, etc., a calendar on the site would be awesome to keep that all organized and in one spot. Just an idea.
Ryan, not being a smartazz, but a member here that felt he or she could kkep up with it could create such a page in various internet location, likely for free. I don't know if any of the management or owners have the time to volunteer.

I thinks it's a terrific idea if someone will do the work needed to set it up and maintain it.
JackM wrote:
Ryan, not being a smartazz

I've known you long enough to know you're not trying, it comes naturally.

any volunteers?
Yeah if someone sets up the bloody site, I see no reason why I can't strive to keep it updated.
Google calender? like so?

You are elected! Will this pasted link update as a link when changes are made to the calendar?

If so, after seeking DaveKile's OK, we can pin this to the top of the Events Forum, lock the thread, and whomever will can make periodic updates to the calendar.
Thanks Jack!
Anyone interested in maintaining or editing the calendar just needs to PM me their Email and I'll add permissions so they can add, subtract, edit events etc.

Thanks for taking a hold of this guys! I think it'll be a great addition to keep people informed of what's going on at PAFF!