Caddis Pupa Brookies



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Saturday was beautiful so my boy and I went brookie fishing. He was getting so ticked that they would hammer the "Ninja" Fly he tied, (black pheasant tail with red rib) but he couldn't hook them. I caught 4 on my caddis pupa pattern Ive been messing with. I always love taking the mile walk, and fishing with my boy. It is cool now that we can fish beside each other.



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Great to see - little brookies and little kids.

He'll be double haulin before yuh know it! :)

That's good stuff brother. The best time of my life was taking my daughter fishing with me. She's 20 now, and has zero interest unless it involves shopping. Enjoy it while it lasts- there's nothing better.
Very Cool. Great to see. Your Little Guy will out fish you in few years.
Great pictures. Wonderful post. Enjoy that boy. They grow up too soon.
Awesome stuff Mike. What type of rod is your boy using? I'm curious since my daughter will be 5 soon and it would be cool to get her something she can handle. The 9' rods are a bit much for her.
Awesome - always good to see stuff like this... That first brookie's colors are outstanding!
Great pics Mike. Keep em fishing. Some of the best memories of my life were fishing with my Dad.

Thanks guys.

Nomad, a gentleman on here gave him a 7'-3wt. He is hit or miss though on if wants to fly fish or if he wants to use his push button. That day he wanted to use the push button so I took the 3wt along. He used both that day, but the 7'-3wt I feel is perfect for him.

LOL before that he was using my 10' 4 wt. It was a sight seeing a less that 3' 3 year old reeling in fat stockers on a 10'-4wt LOL

I am pretty sure that rod is a cabelas. I can look when I get home.

Well he is one lucky kid because when I put in my material order I ordered him a Regal Tralver Vise. LOL of course I will be using it on trips and such, or at work, but that kid is so lucky. LOL I grew up tying on an 8 dollar yard sale Thompson.
Thanks. My daughter is now using my cabelas tying kit that has the Thomson vise now that I upgraded.

I will need to keep an eye out for a 7' 3wt or something along those lines for her. I am feeling like I may need a 10' 3wt rod for euro nymphing. Why not buy another rod while I am at it.

The 4 year old does look a bit over matched with my 9' 5wt.
