Cabin Fever - Penns Woods West TU



New member
Mar 28, 2011
The Cabin Fever show put on by the Penns Woods West Trout Unlimited is on Sunday February 23rd 2014 at the Sheraton Four Points in Warrendale (the same location as the past few years). Show hours are 9am - 4pm. see for more info.
I signed up to volunteer for this. Looking forward to helping out as this is my first year as a member of PWWTU....
in addition to the show, I think a bunch of us will be meeting afterwards at primanti's in cranberry for sammiches and beers!!
If I don't break something again this year I'm in for the show and samiches. I broke my ankle on the day of the show last year and couldn't make it.
Cabin Fever 2014
Sunday February 23rd 2014

9:00 – Show Opens
10:00 – Eric Stroup – Common Sense Fly Fishing
11:00 – Scott Lochner – Learn How to Fly Cast
1:00 - Jeff Blood – Fishing the Great Lakes for Steelhead, Tools, Tactics & Techniques
2:00 – Eric Stroup – Casting For the Drift
3:00 – Scott Lochner – Fly Casting Demonstration
4:00 – Show Closes
Great show for those in the area. I'm sure some guys will get together from this board at Primanti's just down the road afterwards. If you come to the show, be sure to come see me at my booth.
Its a great show. Dale does a great job with the set up. Tons of gear, flies and info. Stop by the Letera's booth and say hi if your in the area.
Can't wait to see you again Dale. You guys do a great job. Be packing my goodies Saturday morning.
Mike Heck
We're marking everything 25% off for the show only, so come check it out, support the local TU, and grab some sweet deals!
Probably should have done this earlier to get a more accurate count, but how many are going to primanti's after so we can get an appropriately sized table(s)?
David, ill probably miss the show, but hope to make primantis, i guess around 3 or 4?
yep... around 4ish. We're heading up now.
Had a good time at the show and picked up a few things, including a 5 wt ITB rod from Ryan. I was worried my daughter and son mite be bored but they had a good time checking everything out.
They enjoyed watching Letaras tie some flies, man he's fast.
When we were leaving my 10 year old son asked if I would teach him to fly fish, wasn't expecting that so it was cool. Guess it will be time for some blue gills and poppers.
Couldn't make Primantis had to have my daughter back in time for skating, Mom / coach would be mad.
don't worry pro4mance, bikerfish ordered enough sandwiches to keep Primanti's in business for years.

Its was a good show as usual. Always good to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. With the recent weather, it truly was a cabin fever event. Thanks for those that stopped by the Nemacolin booth to just talk fishing and fly tying. Thanks again Dale for putting it together.

Short write up from my blog from the event.

It was a good event and it was good to see many faces from the board. Was very successful and glad to support the TU!