Cabela's Wind River 4 wt



Mar 17, 2014
i recently got a new FFing rod. I got a 4 weight Cabelas wind river. I am new to FFing, started this year and have caught 6 rainbows so far, i am hooked!! i was wondering if anyone has used this rod or something similar I want to know if i made a smart choice buying this rod? I was looking for something better than the starter set that i got for christmas. Any and all advise is greatly appreciated. I mainly fish small creeks and streams.
If your catching fish and having fun then you made the right choice.
Most people don't want to spend a boat load of money on something they may or may not like.
A friend of mine finally tried FF last year and he bought a Wind River 5wt and loves it.
Did you get the 7'6" or the 8'6"?
I got the 8'6" model. that's the boat I was in, I didn't want anyone spending a lot of money on something that I didn't know if I would enjoy. But now that I have gone out a few times I know this is something that I am going to do for the rest of my life. Thanks for the feed back!
I've never used the wind river rods, but I have 2 of the reels. I have 7/8 for steelhead and is great! I was skeptical at first until I put it to the test. They are smooth, quiet and after several steelhead the disc drag is as good as the day I bought it. I liked it so much that I went out and bought the 3/4 for my 4wt. These reels seem indestructible, for $30 you can't beat it.
I say stick with the setup you have until you have figured out the pros and cons of the rig. Try to hook up with some forum members learn as much as you can, most will even let you use their rigs. then you can make an informed decision.
I'll start. I can meet you halfway. I believe the Lehigh Valley area would be halfway for us.
thanks Bart, thanks for the offer, I have taken the rod out yesterday for a hour and got myself hooked on 3 nice rainbows, all over 10 inches. I love the new rod, a little more of a fight with the fish! I am happy as hell with my purchase.