Butler County area Delayed Harvest Areas?



New member
May 10, 2014
Hello there, I am fairly new to fly fishing. I have never fished pre-opening day for trout. I have been fishing Buffao creek last year and have a quite a bit of luck there. Dose anyone have any recommendations? Im have a long weekend this weekend and would like to get a line wet.

Buffalo Creek?
Neshannock / Volat?
A friend of mine brought up tp me Hell Run last year for a good Class A stream?

thanks guys.
Check the "Where to Fly Fish" link in the upper right side of this page - it's a good place to get started. You can also search our Reports forum by county. Depending on how far you care to drive, there are plenty of areas to trout fish.
Thank you for your feed back Im looking at that now. Im going to have and try some new spots out this soon.
Not a lot of choices right now. Buffalo, Slippery Rock, or if you want to go south a little you have Pine or Deer Creeks.