Bugger video



Jul 24, 2010
A Project Healing Waters Veteran showing how he adapted to losing one arm tying a bugger. Nice to see fly fishing/tying being a therapeutic means for these guys.
Awsome video
He ties better one handed than I do with two !!!!! amasing
^^^That's what I was thinking
Amazing!!!! I'm missing a leg but i can't imagine missing an arm. It has to be alot harder. Where there is a will there is a way. Very cool video!!!!!
Simply amazing.
Inspiring, to say the least. I mean I wanted to give the guy a hug and say congratulations when he finished and he's not even my son. I'll tell you, I'm thinking I'll have a different attitude when things don't go right at the vise from now on. Amazing, truly inspiring.
Wonderful video! I recently was told that I need a shoulder replacement on my dominant side and I've been sitting at my tying bench feeling sorry for myself and wondering how I'll be able to tie and fish when my right arm will be pretty much shot for several months and getting more depressed by the minute. And then I see this video and realize what a boob I've been. Now I know I'll be fine, and will adapt to the cards I've been dealt. Many thanks for sharing the video.
Here is another with the same guy first catching a nice brown than tying his "White Lightning"
Awesome video...... just shows what a person can do when they set their minds to it. Hats of to that gentleman and his daughter that I heard in the video, is going to be one lucky girl to have a father with that kind of determination.
I felt like this should come back to the top for those of you that might not have seen this.
Holy crap. This young man is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing this video.
I was totally blown away watching this!! Just proves that if you love something that much, you'll find a way to do it.