"Bug Water," by A. Thomason



Jul 28, 2010
Arlen Thomason is a photographer, writer, flyfisher and as fate would have it a recently retired molecular biologist. His writing is at once witty, scientific and concise, without pontificating. His love of buggy trout water is obvious as evidenced by the countless man-hours he put into the astonishingly sharp photos of, well, BUGS.
I'd expected plenty of campy splash pages with a few egg-headed latin captions reminicent of Wil.E.Coyote, but in his 211 pages Thomason produces tasteful and relevant bug awe. A little entomology here, some hydro/geophysics there... splendid stills and color sketches of tied flies (w/recipes)... and an (pardon the pun) eye opening section devoted to the '-ology' behind the eyesight of trout, with some well thought out presentation devoted to how a trout's eye acquires objects using refracted light, etc.
Does this book reek of science? Well, not exactly. What it does seem to reek of is a biologist's love of of his hobby of flyfishing, married to his passion for photography, then having a three-way with his skill as a writer... so to speak.
In short, flyfishers NEED this book as much as flyfishing needs caring, intelligent and observant folks like its author.
Looking at the Amazon preview it looks like there is some great photography in there as well. Great review. Certainly peaked my interest.
Good call, jdaddy... Amazon would've been the $mart way to go, but i was unable to delay gratification like most adults, so i drove around local bookstores 'til i found it. Nabbed the ONLY copy from Chester Co Books and Music.