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  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Anyone can say what they want about music. Its all subjective but there are bands that influence music and leave there mark. Unfortunately for music right now there arent many ground breakers like there used to be. I hated this band when they first came out but now i cant deny they are a band people will remember for sometime. One of the last great ones.

the other stuff is heavier but this is my favorite:
dang sorry mods i thought i was in the off topic forum :lol:
With Cobain gone does what's left still call themselves "Nirvana"...............or is Courtney Love all there is?

The drummer for Nirvana (David G.) is the leader singer for the Foo Fighters; and the bass player quit I think.
I'm pretty sure the bassist's new band is called "royalty earnings," but I could be wrong.

Courtney Love was never a part of the act, she was just the Yoko Ono-like harpy that accelerated teh sapping of his lifeforce and hurried up the suicide.

I think its the fact that he died so very early, and untapped, that cemented their place in rock history. While I never thought they were all that (despite being, unintentionally, at the forefront of grunge when it happened), there's definatly an aura of mystique over the songs I liked because of it.

I feel, though, had they continued as a band they would've ended up akin to Pearl Jam (another grunge act I loathed, s'funny, most of this stuff encircled my peer group yet I hated all of it), that is a self-parody of all those things they stood up to try and, err, change I guess.

Would I have willingly repeated Smells like Teen Spirit a second time this morning enroute to work (how's that for timely), if Kurt Cobain had aged to a 40yo, balding, chubby agent provocatuer still banging out tired protest songs against the easiest targets since Nixon ala GWB?

(psst, I'm looking at you, Neil Young!)

Anyways, shame he died. Can't help but to think a real hardass upset about the "scene" would've just put the guitar away and lived off of the residuals. Or, pulled a Sonic Youth and just done what they enjoyed (and lived off the residuals).
Incesticide is one of my favorite albums.
As I was reading this post my kid hit the remote to the "On Demand" channel and they were doing a preview for their music section and teen spirit was playing very loudly. Pretty creepy.
