Brookies near Mechanicsburg



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I will be attending a seminar in Mechanicsburg on June 22 in the morning. I was wondering if there were any brookie steams with 30 minutes of the area on public lands. I will be headed east after the seminar. I usually hit Clarks on the way back, but might want to try some new water. If not I will probably fish above the reservoir.

Well, you have the Cumberland Cnty. limestone streams really close by and you have Michaux State Forest also very close by. I've fished both areas and I like both because there are substantial wild trout streams in both areas.
salmo wrote:
I will be headed east after the seminar.

Since you're heading in this direction, you'll want to focus on northern Dauphin and Lebanon Counties. The upper tribs of the larger watersheds in those counties are worth checking out.
Stony has tons of brookies, although they are not wild. There may be *some* wild brookies up towards the headwaters, but I think it's largely a stocked stream. And rattlesnakes. Lots of rattlers.

The "Ditch" and just below at Big Spring has some of the prettiest brookies you'll ever catch.
Salmo, plenty of places in or near cv to catch brookies, no need to travel further to dauphin unless that's what you wanna do. Especially in Michaux sf Most streams are low and heating up though but if your in that area than your close enough to access a colder stream.
I love the good old Michaux brookies.