Brook trout on the Donegal!?



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
I fished the Donegal for a bit this evening on the lower end. I didnt catch anything at the eagle scout project so moved up stream just below the signs that say "no fishing between the signs," and nailed a nice rainbow and then about a 10" Brook trout. It flipped off the hook just as I brought it to my hand so unfortunately I wasnt able to get a picture. Has anyone else ever caught any brook trout or is the private club stocking upstream again?
It was likely from the kid's derby stocking upstream.
I wasn't aware there was any stocking besides the fingerlings above the fly fishing section. If so, this brook trout traveled over 2 miles to the lower limit of the fly fishing section.
I caught about a six inch brookie at the 772 bridge. It was bright orange on the belly and I don't see how it could have been anything but wild. based on the size and coloration. My buddy picked up a gorgeous 17" brookie in the FFO section in the same time frame. Both fish pre-dated my owning a digital camera, so they would have had to been caught 2003 or earlier.

Regarding brookie movement, my experience has been they can move great distances. On one small trib to a larger ANF stream, I could have sworn they dumped a couple of buckets of brookies into the trib, but I'm pretty sure they all moved up from the big hole they dumped the fish in, anywhere from a 0.25 to 1 mile upstream. Their upstream progress was impeded by a set of waterfalls, but the larger holes in the small stream all held brook trout. In the same larger stream, before there was easier access to stock, I'm pretty confident that no stocking occurred except at the few limited road access points. The brookies would migrate en masse to log jams and it was not uncommon to catch 30 fish out of said log jams. The jams were often up to a mile away from the nearest stocking access point.

Probability would put your brookie as being a stocker from the derby that migrated, but I also believe there is some extremely limited ST reproduction in Donegal, so I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility.
Thanks for the info...I wish I would have gotten to bring the trout to hand. It looked fat like it was stocked but the fins looked really clean. I didnt get a good idea of coloration because the sun was going down. At any rate if it was stocked it should be out in the susquehanna by now :).
I've caught one tiny brookie here before but not that far down. I doubt it was stocked... But who knows. I've read some old reports stating this was, at one time, a brookie stream
It was stocked in the 30's at least (maybe earlier) by the state. Char were the fish stocked. Well before that, I'm pretty sure most of the currently impaired Lancaster County streams were brookie streams :) I would have loved to know what all the streams looked like and what their biomass was when the settlers arrived.