Brook Trout Carving - Free



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
I’ve had this mounted Brook Trout wood carving probably since the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. It’s too large and fragile to ship so I’ll give it to anyone who would like to come to the New Holland, PA area (east of Lancaster) to pick it up. This is one of the earlier wood carvings done by Alan Dudley from Patten, Maine.

For many years, I traveled to Maine each spring with a group of friends to fish for Landlocked Salmon and Brook Trout on the East Branch of the Penobscot River. We stayed at the Matagamon Wilderness Campground that was owned by Alan Dudley’s parents, and I bought this wood carving from them when it was displayed and being sold in their store.

Later, Alan Dudley became a Maine Game Warden (he has appeared on the Maine Game Warden TV program), and he has continued to make and sell fish carvings, as well as bird and wildlife paintings. (His carvings have gotten better over time compared to the one I have, IMO, but they all still have a sort of rustic feel to them, which is probably natural given the rustic Maine environment he grew up in).

You can see some of his work on his Facebook page, “Matagamon Fish Carvings and Paintings” and I’ve seen where some of his carvings have sold elsewhere for hundreds of dollars. (Although mine probably isn’t in that category.)

The fish itself measures about 14” long, and it is mounted on a piece of driftwood that’s about 17” deep, so it’ll take a reasonably large spot to display it.

I can email you a picture of it if you’d like to see what it looks like, or you can just take you chances and make arrangements to come to pick it up sight unseen!

Email me at with any questions, or if you’d like it.

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Thanks to a those who expressed an interest in this carving.

It has been donated to a worthy cause and is no longer available.



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