Bronze Peacock Herl



Sep 6, 2013
So, I’ve been attempting to bronze some natural peacock herl by letting it sit in the sun for a number of days. A trick I read in Bob Millers book Tricos. It’s been a full week and I’ve barely noticed a difference in the color. I tried finding some vendors online who sell it, but can’t find any that sell “bronze” colored. Anybody know any shops, websites that do?

if you fill a vase with peacock plumes, some will turn bronze quickly,and some won't.
ive placed some peacock herls in the sun for over a month and nothing. no color change. is it just a myth?

i dont see how placing them in vase would alter the color
If the sun turns them bronze, wouldn't this happen to them when they are still on the birds?
i sell it



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Fly-Swatter wrote:
If the sun turns them bronze, wouldn't this happen to them when they are still on the birds?

I suspect the change in color is induced by age of the feather or some other factor than sunlight, or only sunlight. I have several tail feathers that have turned bronze over time and they were kept in the dark. Feathers are shed naturally so if the change in color is time related, such feathers may be shed before the color is seen while on the bird. I think the idea of sunlight causing a change to the feather gets traction because it forces fly tiers to wait before using the feather, thus the color change happens anyway so it is assumed that sunlight was the cause. This could explain why some have questioned whether this works, the feathers are just not old enough.
PennKev: Now THAT makes sense. I find it disheartening that folks don't do just a bit of critical thinking before believing old wives tales (or in this case "old fly tyers tales").
Interesting insights on a fine fly tying material. But age doesn't automatically confer bronzing. I have herls that I bought over 50 years ago and some of them have not bronzed.

My real question is: are flies tied with bronzed herl better, fishier, or...?
“I find it disheartening that folks don't do just a bit of critical thinking before believing old wives tales (or in this case "old fly tyers tales").”

Over bronzing peacock herl? Really? Lol. I find it more disheartening that simply asking questions on a fly tying page made for discussion and learning is met with such condescension.
sun light is the only factor in making bronze peacock herl, have been making it for years.
sandfly wrote:
sun light is the only factor in making bronze peacock herl, have been making it for years.

how long have the herls youre selling been out in the sun?
sandfly wrote:
sun light is the only factor in making bronze peacock herl, have been making it for years.

So how are they changing color packed away in my basement?
Some information I found regarding this old wives tale.