Broken tip seciton - options?



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
I recently broke the tip section on my BPS "Classic" 8wt and after reading my warranty, I'm a few months past its expiration date. Lesson learned - don't by a rod with only a one year warranty! :-? Sad part is, it didn't even crack with a fish on; it cracked as I was trying to untwist a line twist!

So my issue is that I have a rod that has three perfectly good sections, but needs a tip section. What options do I have for a new section? I haven't contacted BPS yet about the rod for fear that I'll just be wasting my breath and get a rehash of the warranty. I'd even go as far as purchasing a new tip section in order to make the rod usable again.

I have since replaced the rod with a Cabela's LST 8wt that carries a 25 year warranty. Again, lesson learned. I won't be buying any more rods from BPS. Rookie mistake...
Where did you buy it? I've had decent luck going to big box stores and explaining the situation and having them replace a busted rod. No harm in asking, even calling the company. What's the worst they could say... no?

How much of the tip is broken off. It's probably possible to put a new tip top on. Depending on how much of it was lost it still may be fishable with just some of the action lost. Even as a backup, might not be a bad idea to do that. Also might have some guys on here who might be able to repair it for you. Probably not cost effective to get it sent out to do, but who knows.

That's all I got. I've busted 3 rods in 4 years. 2 from big box stores that replaced them for me. (had to go to 2 different stores though) and one 1 had a warranty and they repaired it for me.
BPS in Harrisburg. I have the original receipt, so it may be worth a shot to take it back and explain. Really frustrating because the rod didn't have many 'miles' on it.

It's broken roughly halfway down its length, so a 'patch job' probably is out of the question.
i did a patch job on mine. i had a another broken rod so i cut a section out of it so tht both ens of my broken fly rod fit in to it snuggly, then i sanded each fly rod end and put a stronger glue on, then and stuck it together. on the cut piece i put thread wraps on each end so that it wont split and covered them in head cement. its not pretty but it works.
They will probably make it right.

If not sometimes you can buy just the top section from the company. they may have them lying around.
check with the manufacturer first, if they replace it, great, if not, it can be repaired. I'm sure there is someone in your area that can do such a repairif not, let me know, I can do it. doesn't cost much and you'll have a good back-up rod or one to keep in the vehicle.
I am happy to report that after taking a trip to the Harrisburg BPS, I am now in possession of a new rod! As mentioned, sometimes it pays to just take a piece of gear in and explain the situation. I had the original receipt and explained what happened and was given a new replacement rod. The staff at BPS was more than willing to help and for that I am grateful.

The most important thing I can pass on is keep your receipts!
great news!!
Call the manufacturer and ask about their return policy, you may be able to get the tip replaced for a small fee, or if it is a defect for free.