


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
So I'm reading a book, and I've also noticed it here as well, sometimes people say Brodhead Creek, and other times its phrased as the Brodheads. So where does the "S" come from? Is there more than 1?
Brodhead Creek is the real name. "The Broadheads" refers to the same stream, but it's just sort of a slang name.
Brodhead Creek is the real name. "The Brodheads" refers to the same stream, but it's just sort of a slang name.
Some people refer to the broadhead and the streams that feed into it the "broadheads"
There is a west branch and the main stem. Main stem is along rte. 447 and west branch runs along snow hill road. Maybe they are referring to both branches as the broadheads? Before they meet it almost all private property.
It should be the Brodhead, or Brodhead Creek. It is named for an early settler, who's last name was Brodhead. There should be no S unless you plan on fishing the multiple branches that make up the main stem and then it would have an s.