Brilliant from Lock Haven.....



New member
Dec 10, 2010
good article.

"The reality is that extractive-based economic "development" rarely produces widespread benefits. We have decades of proof within the United States and abroad that this development path should NOT be the foundation of any economy."

Somebody was sleeping through history class.
he is right about west virginia, been an extraction based economy for the past 150 years yet remains the poorest of states. all that coal money went somewhere. the same thing could happen here with the gas drilling. only a few could benefit from it, most might not.
a healthy economy is a diverse economy. we are putting all our eggs in the marcellus basket. what happens in 20 years? I believe pa is the 4th most visited state for tourism, will this still be the case? are people going to want to see mile after mile of gas wells? who is going to eat in the diners, stay in the hotels?
sure, there will be some people making some money for the next couple decades, maybe longer. but what happens when it's all gone?
I'm sick of seeing wells already! I can go for a 15 drive and see at least 7 or 8. and they do not go away, that site remains an industrial site, those tanks stay in place. those 5 acre sites are going to add up quick. and then there are the additional pipelines that are starting to be built. every well site has to be connected. with a projected 50000 to 80000 wells, that is going to a ton of pipelines. how about our state forests? if 1/3 of them are already leased, and surely more to come, will we ever be able to recreate on that land agian? if a well is producing for 20 or 30 years, that means I basically lost 1/3 of MY state forest land. land that is supposed to be constitutionally protected for the interests of ALL pa residents, not for a private company to make profit.
I just fear the direction our state is going, and I fear the people running it. do we trust them? sure, why not, politicians never lie!!
franklin, do you live near any marcellus well sites or potential sites?
franklin wrote:

"The reality is that extractive-based economic "development" rarely produces widespread benefits. We have decades of proof within the United States and abroad that this development path should NOT be the foundation of any economy."

Somebody was sleeping through history class.

Dear franklin,

There are none so blind as those who CHOSE not to see.

Try opening your eyes instead of constantly shilling for the gas industry.


Tim Murphy
franklin wrote:

"The reality is that extractive-based economic "development" rarely produces widespread benefits. We have decades of proof within the United States and abroad that this development path should NOT be the foundation of any economy."

Somebody was sleeping through history class.

And economics class. However, having said that I do not see any real economic windfall for the state or it's citizens. Ya, ya, ya there are 10 people on this forum that have MS related jobs but really, how much wealth have these activities created for the state and/or its citizens? It seems that little of the profits/proceeds/tax/jobs are kept in the state.
I am not pro-drilling by any sense and I support a moratorium on drilling until additional environmental impact studies can be completed.

With that said, the drilling is certainly bringing wealth to many citizens of the commonwealth, me included, although indirectly.

All you need to do is to visit any town in the northern tier of the state and you can see the immediate economic impact.

I am from Clearfield County and although I am not currently living there my family still does. We have a business and it is very, very much benefiting from the gas industry. My family and the employees of our business are gaining wealth.

The gas industry is infusing a massive amount of financial liquidity into the economy of Pennsylvania, unfortunately, it is also infusing a massive amount of toxic poison into our environment.

CPR wrote:
I am not pro-drilling by any sense and I support a moratorium on drilling until additional environmental impact studies can be completed.

With that said, the drilling is certainly bringing wealth to many citizens of the commonwealth, me included, although indirectly.

All you need to do is to visit any town in the northern tier of the state and you can see the immediate economic impact.

I am from Clearfield County and although I am not currently living there my family still does. We have a business and it is very, very much benefiting from the gas industry. My family and the employees of our business are gaining wealth.

The gas industry is infusing a massive amount of financial liquidity into the economy of Pennsylvania, unfortunately, it is also infusing a massive amount of toxic poison into our environment.


Dear CPR,

So, what's it like to be back to square one? Clearfield circa 1900 must have a certain nostalgiac ring to it otherwise someone with balls would step up and tell them to get lost.

This isn't directed specifically at you but I can't imagine the taste of money changing much?

Tax the people who are benefiting from the public at large and their tune will change quickly.

They made the dough off the azz of other people. So this is what I have to say to them, now commence to pony up MF'er's. It ain't free money!


Tim Murphy :)

the gas companies have certainly taken advantage of a desperate community. Poor farmers signing over their land for lease agreements which are much like the English paying the Indian's with beads and buttons. Poor communities turning their collective heads for a glimmer of hope and a better financial future.

My family also owns a sizable tract of land. If I could speak anonymously I could really set some people straight concerning the realities of who's benefiting from the industry and exactly how much.

Some people are getting very very wealthy. Some people are just being used.

This issue is tearing apart families as much as the environment. It's one thing for those of us not residing in these gas "rich" communities to openly speak out. It's something else for those are are part of the community to speak out against their friends and neighbors.
Dear CPR,

I understand completely what you wrote and my previous post was not an attempt to provoke a response from you or anyone.

It was merely an attempt to express my thoughts and frustrations with the whole mess. I failed at that, but I'll try again another day.

I'm sorry to hear that neighbors and families are now looking sideways at each other. I'm sure what I have to say doesn't mean much to you nor anyone else in the long run, but I am sorry that things are turning out like you say they are.


Tim Murphy


I understood what you meant.

No issues from me. You are one of the most fluent and well spoken posters on this forum, well, any forum that I visit.


Dear Matt,

Thanks for the kind words, but in the words of DAS EFX, I'm just a man who's on the mic.

I hope that maybe some day in some way what I write here gives a person or two a moment to pause and think about their actions?

I'm nothing special and I realize that I'm mostly preaching to choir but everything of importance has a starting point.

If my mutterings here serve as a starting point for people to really think about what is going on I will have accomplished more than I rightfully deserve to accomplish.


Tim Murphy :)