Breeches/Letort Advice



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
Milford, NJ
A friend and I will be making our first visit to these two waters next week and I wanted some advice on how to make these two days productive and just have fun exploring new waters. I’ve read the chapters in the Keystone Fly Fishing book and am familiar with the Allenberry area.

My Breeches question is should we focus further downstream of the CRALO toward Brandtsville?

My Letort question again center on staying in the CRALO or heading downstream?

Also, any favorite brew pubs in Carlisle??

Thanks for the advice.
TCO Fly Shop is right there in Boiling Springs. They will be glad to help you.
I'm a bit late on this thread but, for what it's worth, I'll suggest you hit Breeches anywhere when water conditions are good. If conditions are high, hit upper Breeches above the reg water.

For Letort, as a first time visitor, I'd recommend hitting the upper FFO section. Just be aware that this section is hard to fish this time of year due to soggy meadows and tall grass. Pick a spot and just stay there and watch the water. This is how old-time Letort regulars "fished" this section (it was more open back in the day). Evenings and low light conditions bring fish out to play on Letort. Bright sunny days are nice to scout the stream but the fish seem to disappear under these conditions. Don't try to fish up and downstream as wading is mostly not possible and much of the banks are not passable.