Hi all,
I wanted to inform everyone here of an upcoming posting/blocking of access along the Brandywine river along Creek Road south of Route 1 between 1 and Twin Bridges (currently closed due to construction). I'm sure anyone who has driven by this area is familiar with a pull-off around the sharp corner where the road runs right along the river (often filled with 20+ cars on summer weekends). A neighbor and myself share the land around the corner there and as of a meeting with the township, state police, PennDOT, and landowners yesterday, I believe that it has been decided that the corner pull-off spot there will be blocked off/posted by PennDOT and parking will not be an option anymore. Over the years I have noticed fly fisherman access the river there and just a few weeks ago I stopped to chat with a fly fisherman targeting carp in this stretch. Unfortunately, a combination of excessive abuse of the access (too many cars parking on landowners land, trespassing onto posted land nearby, littering, etc.) and liability concerns with the dangerous nature of parking around the corner, there really isn't any other option than to block off access here.
I hope that anyone who fly fishes this stretch is a member on this forum and can get this message. I am more than willing to help anyone wishing to access this stretch by providing a better parking option and access from our property. Please send me a PM and I can provide my phone number so you can call/text me and coordinate parking in my driveway.
It's a damn shame this is the state of the world with so much blatant disregard for private property and immense liability concerns for private landowners. It makes it a no-brainer to post land and not allow access from the public. I completely understand why so much land across the state is being posted. I have seen it in too many fishing spots I love over the past few years.
I wanted to inform everyone here of an upcoming posting/blocking of access along the Brandywine river along Creek Road south of Route 1 between 1 and Twin Bridges (currently closed due to construction). I'm sure anyone who has driven by this area is familiar with a pull-off around the sharp corner where the road runs right along the river (often filled with 20+ cars on summer weekends). A neighbor and myself share the land around the corner there and as of a meeting with the township, state police, PennDOT, and landowners yesterday, I believe that it has been decided that the corner pull-off spot there will be blocked off/posted by PennDOT and parking will not be an option anymore. Over the years I have noticed fly fisherman access the river there and just a few weeks ago I stopped to chat with a fly fisherman targeting carp in this stretch. Unfortunately, a combination of excessive abuse of the access (too many cars parking on landowners land, trespassing onto posted land nearby, littering, etc.) and liability concerns with the dangerous nature of parking around the corner, there really isn't any other option than to block off access here.
I hope that anyone who fly fishes this stretch is a member on this forum and can get this message. I am more than willing to help anyone wishing to access this stretch by providing a better parking option and access from our property. Please send me a PM and I can provide my phone number so you can call/text me and coordinate parking in my driveway.
It's a damn shame this is the state of the world with so much blatant disregard for private property and immense liability concerns for private landowners. It makes it a no-brainer to post land and not allow access from the public. I completely understand why so much land across the state is being posted. I have seen it in too many fishing spots I love over the past few years.