Bored With Winter?? Get A Puppy



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Man are they fun!!
'Specially when ya teach 'em to bring ya a cold 'un. :lol:

BTW, one of my favorite TV charactors!

Great looking pic of your Puppy :)
Thank ya kindly Paul. I'll pass ther word along to my pup just as soon as he gets done chewing on the entertainment center. :-o
Festus: You should check that pups ancestors, looks like Tim Murphy may be the father>> :-D
Hey Festus,
Nice look Pup......looks like mine.
Although I am trying to determine which is worse. Your pup chewing the furniture or mine who chews up my socks and underwear.
Great dogs!
I am still trying to understand how to post his pix.....
Put your pics in a folder on your hard drive. Click reply to the post. At the bottom you'll see a browse button. Click it and find the folder that contains your pictures. Pick your photo, then click on open. Next you will click upload and voila! Your pictures should appear.

Hope this helps. mutt used to have an underwear fetish to. Cured him of that when I showed him my 300 pound spandex wearing coonskinning neighbor ladies panties hanging on the clothesline. He ain't been right since. :-x :-x