Books from North American Fishing Club (NAFC)



Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
Don't know if anyone here is a member of the North American Fishing Club but about 15 years ago I was a member and they offered fishing books every few months. I have a number of these books and they were my biggest asset in learning about fish behavior, seasonal patterns, habitat, and food sources as I was becoming old enough to go driving around exploring fishing spots on my own.

A few of the books include:

Secrets of the Bass Pros

Walleye Secrets

Artificial Lures

Catch Fish Anytime, Anywhere

Freshwater Fishing Secrets

I also had one specifically on catfish, and there was another on Musky fishing that I wish I had gotten, all of these books were very informative with techniques used by professional fisherman and tournament pros.

I also have three cookbooks which have been under utilized, but I have browsed through them.

Another book titled "Trout" by The Hunting & Hunting Library was very helpful early in my trout fishing journeys, offering both fly and spin fishing tactics as well as a lot of information on the trout and salmon species, differences in behavior between different species of trout, and their food and habitat preferences.

Here are some of my favorite Books as far as outdoors and fishing goes, there are a few boxed up somewhere that I haven't seen in awhile, I like to read quite often and not just about fishing, hunting and photography.


  • Some of my Favorite Books.JPG
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