Booked my annual fly fishing trip



Dec 27, 2006
Just confirmed my trip to Glacier national park Montana this summer can't wait anyone been there? Been to Park City Utah, Durango Colorado, Girwood Alaska, Big Sky Montana. Just courious how this will compare.
Allmyne. Congrats, you are in for one heck of a time. GNP is beyond gourgeous! Will you be fishing any of the forks of the Flat Head? If so get ready to catch lots and lots of beautiful Cut Throats. Just make sure you take a day or two to see as much of Glacier as you can.

One serious note of caution. If you head into anything that is even close to the backcountry carry 2 things. A gps (and know how to use it) and do not go into the woods without bear spray! You will be in Grizz country. A can of bear spray will cost 40 to 50 bucks. In the very unlikely event of you being nose to nose with a Grizz you will be glad you have it. I never go into bear country without mine. Also, have clothes for any kind of weather from 95+ degrees to rain and snow and everything in between.

Oh yeah, make sure you have plenty of storage for all the pics you will take. If you want to finf some good info for the area go to and look around. If you have any questions about gear or flies post em here. I'll help as much as I can.

Have a great trip
I'm planning 4 days of fishing and 3 days of site seeing, my friend is a guide there, and yes we will be hitting the forks. In alaska the bears were so bad 3 of us fished and the forth stood guard with a gun, (just in case). Once I have found out more details I'll let you know, I can't wait.
Sounds like you'll be in good hands. I am planning on a week or so in GNP this summer. It will be more of a sight seeing than fishing trip though. Some buddies and I are trying to get a float trip going somewhere on the Flathead system. I jst sent in my Smith River application. I had to pass up a Smith float 2 years in a row. One for a blown out river, the other fow work. This is going to be my year though.

Have fun planning your trip.
Allmyne, was that Girwood or Girdwood Alaska?
I am not familliar with Girwood, but there is alot of territory up there. My friend Jake from Harrisburg came up for a week or two and we fished the pink salmon run in Resurection creek right outside of Girdwood. Most Alaskans frown down on the "little" pink, but for two PA fishermen it was amazing. Literally thousands of 18 inch humpies in a stream the size of spruce creek.

My two fly fishing goals before I croak are #1 Yellowstone/GNP, and #2 bonefishing.

Oh and if I figgure out how to cath a striper I will be pleased too.