Book on Trout / Insect / Stream Biology/etc



Sep 9, 2006
I'd like to improve my knowledge of a trout's life cycle, behavior, eating habits, etc etc as well as the insects that are an important part of their lifecycle. Specifically looking for something that is a bit more on the technical side vs. a 10,000 foot view.

A book encompassing all of these aspects of the trout stream and its residents would be ideal.

Any recommendations?
Consider going to your local public library. Most fly fishing books will be in the same area 780s or so in the numbering system. Pull them off the shelf and leaf through until you find a few that cover your interests. Any you find particularly useful and want to keep around as reference material, you can go and buy. Caucci and Nastasi (I think I spelled those right) have a couple books devoted to hatches that are considered authoritative. Those focus more on the food than the trout life-cycle.
I have a feeling there is no single book covering all the topics you've mentioned.

On fish biology, I can recommend Sholseth's "How Fish Work."

The table of contents is shown on

How Fish Work - Amazon
Like Jack and RC, I don't think any one book can cover it. For flies, Hatches is a good start, and Thomas Ames's Caddisflies is a pretty technical book for ff about those flies. Ted Fauceglia's Mayflies covers about 17 of the important mayflies effectively.
Many years ago, Cecil Heacox wrote "The Compleat Brown Trout" that dealt with many of the things you are interested in about the fish themselves, but as I recall, his book centered more on hatchery trout biology than on wild trout. I am unfamiliar with How Fish Work. Wish I could have been of more help.
The public library is where I fell in love with fly fishing through reading Ed Koch's Fishing the Midge".
No one book that I know of covers it all. Stream Ecology is a topic all to itself. Trout and Salmon are very well covered in Bob Behnke's book, "Trout and Salmon of North America." Behnke is renouned asa leading expert in the world of NA Trout and Salmon. The artwork is exquisit.
The book to get about Hatches is "Hatches II' by Cucci and Nastisi. They cover hundreds if not thousands of bugs. Though there are others, this book is more up to date than most.
My personal favorite book is "Brook Trout" by Nick Karas, that should be no surprise to anyone who knows me. The book gives an excellent accounting of the range of Brook Trout in NA.
Of course you may find a few good books online if you have a Nook or Kindle.
"Trout Biology, a Natural History of Trout and Salmon" by Bill Willers, Lyons and Burford, 1991. Exactly what you are looking for.
Many thanks for all of the suggestions. Will be looking into all of them.