Boaters Rescued at Ohiopyle



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Two seconds before you realize you have made one of the most grievous errors of your life.

The video is on YouTube.

I saw 2 kayakers go over the falls, on purpose, at moderate flows.

One guy disappeared in the plunge pool for what seemed like a long time to me, and probably seemed even longer to him. He apparently got churned quite a bit.

The other paddled fast so he shot out further and just smacked down on the water. He didn't get pulled under.

Lucky bunch. I understand they all had life jackets on. Those falls have been know to suck people under it for weeks at a time.
Did not read!! Hope no dope and booze is any part! Bad deal, all is looking for the loot!
Unguided float, release forms signed. Nuff said.
maxima12 wrote:
Did not read!! Hope no dope and booze is any part!


Either way, it is just plain stupid.
You can't shoot the chutes.
Yes, all survived with really no injuries. It turns out these people were from Brazil and Sweden in Mt Pleasant on business- work with AndrewS. There is a rope across the water upstream indicating trouble.
Scary stuff!

A few years ago, two young ladies were kayaking on the ohio river.
And the missed the warning signs and buoys above the dashields dam.

Unfortunately, they weren't that lucky.
That river (I float it pretty often) was so high that day I'm surprised they ran trips without guides. That said, if one was inexperienced & not able to get a boat to shore, the trip from that wire across the river to the falls was probably a minute or two at the most.