Bluegills and Bass



May 31, 2013
Took the float tube out on Cross Creek this afternoon and while they weren't monsters, did catch quite a few bluegill and a small LMB. Got them all on my 7.5' 3wt. It doesn't cast the farthest, but with the float tube, I can get close enough and little fish are a blast on the small rod.

Felt good to get out on some still water and fish. Definitely looking forward to June/July with the LMB!
Small, but still fun!


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Looks like alot of fun to me. They don't always need to be big. It's all about the fun you had.

If I can ever get my back problems straightened out maybe I will see you out there. I love tube fishing when it is warm enough to just hop in with a pair or shorts and not have to worry about waders.
Nothing like panfish and bass. I frequently go out for sm bass since I am only close to warm water creeks. When fishing for the smb I always have to wade through dozens of sunnies and rock bass. Always a blast on a light rod.
I'm really starting to like bass fishing more than trout fishing, but that's most likely because I'm in SWPA, where trout fishing is primarily in stocked waters, and the window for catching them is pretty tight, considering how quickly the streams warm up.

But panfish and bass are definitely a blast on my 3wt.
I prefer most warm water fish to trout. Being from sepa it's what I know and have fished for most of my life. Had a hunting cabin up in stevens point where we had a stream chocked with trout. It was fun like a novelty but I always enjoyed the bass both lm and sm better.
I also mainly fish for Warmwater species. It is where I spent most of my days fishing while learning as a child and it feels like "home." From the swamps of Florida to the rivers and lakes of PA, I LOVE BASS FISHING. I am also the only person in my family to fish. I taught myself and was obsessed with it at a young age. My God the hours that I've spent reading fishing books lol