Blue gills aplenty!

Frederick V. C.

Active member
May 16, 2022
Since we are having a substantial drought, haven't felt like harassing the local trout and instead spend my available time educating pan fish (and occasional bass) in our local lakes. Went out this morning fairly early and there were already several boats out and a few guys shore fishing. My favorite spot was unoccupied and I proceeded to hook a bunch of gills of all sizes. Nice easy trip close to home and was back before 9 to serve my wife her coffee. A Bully Blue gill spider fished as a dropper was working well as well as a sinking ant behind a popper. That fly was destroyed and the hook needs repurposed. Be careful if you are wading not to walk through their beds.
Nice! I was killing the redbreasts on a white woolly bugger, popper and a stimulator dry over the weekend as well. I love top water sunfish action! These were from the Tuscarora creek.
I’ve always enjoyed catching Redbreast Sunnies on the fly rod. So aggressive and scrappy little fighters. One of PA’s beautiful native fishes.
I'm still partial to Pumpkin seeds though the Redbreasts are pretty too. Got out this eve. for magic hour and fished til almost dark. Lots of risers on the Lake and I got one pig of a seed on my first hook up on top. Assorted gills and a few bass made for a short but enjoyable evening.