Blog from a multi-interest angler



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Long read, but interesting perspective from and angler that does all types of fishing.
Looks like a spincaster to me. Maybe even a yakker. :p

Good read and nice pics. A guy who just plain likes to fish. I like it.
Good read, thanks for sharing
Great read! Great points too. Gotta show respect, to get respect, no matter the situation!
Thanks, for re-posting, afishanado. I know that guy intimately, very intimately... since it's me when I am wearing my dirty spincaster hat.

I appreciate the comments, fellas. I have been as guilty as the next guy, and it takes practice (at least one a month) to do more than preach it, but it was a good reminder for me to breath, relax, and put on my educator hat...
Great perspective heading in to this season. I really identify with what was in that blog because I am mostly a fly fisher but still have some grubs and worms in the fridge for when I take my 4 year out fishing. I have a few Frank Nale signature spinners and a few I made my self. Top it off with what seems like a gazillion different fly patterns and that about sums up my fishing. I personally look forward to fishing all of those methods this year.
nomad_archer wrote:
Great perspective heading in to this season. I really identify with what was in that blog because I am mostly a fly fisher but still have some grubs and worms in the fridge for when I take my 4 year out fishing. I have a few Frank Nale signature spinners and a few I made my self. Top it off with what seems like a gazillion different fly patterns and that about sums up my fishing. I personally look forward to fishing all of those methods this year.

Thanks, nomad! I can tell from your reports that you have a fishing problem... Welcome to the club.
Nymph-wristed wrote:

Thanks, nomad! I can tell from your reports that you have a fishing problem... Welcome to the club.

Thanks! I like the club there is some pretty good company here.