Bleaching Elk and Deer Hair


Jan 28, 2007
Anyone have a relatively straight forward way of bleaching these materials?
Hi Gene, Clairol Clairoxide Developer and Clairol Basic White Powder. Mix these two together in the correct proportions to make a paste. Apply to hair, fur, etc. Thoroughly rub into material. Watch carefully as it bleach’s fairly quickly. Once the material reaches the desired lightness, rinse thoroughly in water. Do not push it by trying to get a white color as this can damage the material. Also use rubber gloves during the process.

You can also bleach the material by just using the Clairoxide Developer. This is just 20% or 30% vol. peroxide. Just soak the material in the liquid in “indirect” sunlight. The sunlight makes the process faster. This works but you get better results from the 2 part method described above.

for the price of deer/elk hair is it worth the effort mess? LOL coming from a guy with a bucktail in the freezer waiting to be processed!
No, probably not. Unless you happen to have a large piece of hair that works well for a specific fly you like to tie. Then it is worth it. I wouldn’t bother with small pieces of hair. Just get it from Natures Spirit, etc. That’s way more practical!
