Black fly line



Mar 2, 2011
Anyone know where to get it? I have seen people with it, trying to track it down. TIA-Joel
What is the advantage of black line?
Its got soul.
Only sinking line that sucks
Read this
Understanding Fly Line Color
Let's get this out of the way right now. During daylight hours, especially on bright days, it is IMPOSSIBLE for a fly line to just "blend in". From the bottom of a river where the fish live, all fly line looks the same when they look upward - a long, black line snaking across the top of the water. From the bottom of the river, the color of a fly line is immaterial - it instead is just a solid, unnatural thing that is lying on top of the water.

Because of this, the color of a fly line for general daylight use does not matter. The fish will see them all. As such, when selecting a fly line color - get a color that YOU, repeat YOU, can see easily. Take your choice, green, yellow, orange, red, pink - whatever. Pick the line that you can most easily see in the type of fishing conditions you find yourself in.

Now, during very low light conditions - particularly if you fly fish at night for bass and such - fly line color can indeed be important. Oddly, pure black isn't the best color - few things in life are ever "pure black." Instead, the consensus is for varioius shades of dark brown/dary grey - depending largely on the color and clarity of the water where you'll be fishing.

Phish_On wrote:
Only sinking line that sucks

Or what rleep said, rit dye.

Find one that accepts dye, and hten make it black or whatever colour you want. I'm curious though, why? It seems to me that you're going to make it more obvious to fish, less obvious to you in every possible way so I don't know if I see a point and I am curious.
I just want black cause it would look bad azz on my reel. An that's the only reason. Has nothing todo with trying to hide it from the fish, I use white fly line now, an I know they can see that shizz.

Works for me. Actually, the white is probably less visible than black will be.

There was a discussion on dying line quite recently. I believe it germinated from a TimMurphy thread about cheap fly line availability.
Pink for dry fly fishermen.
Puce for nymph fishermen.
Dark green or grey for streamer fishermen.
Phish_On wrote:
I just want black cause it would look bad azz on my reel. An that's the only reason. Has nothing todo with trying to hide it from the fish, I use white fly line now, an I know they can see that shizz.

Yup. So black sinking line as per post #2.