Bitterroot Fishing Is Very Tough This Summer



Active member
May 17, 2009
Just got back from a week in Darby Montana. Not going to post a full report but check your destination if you go. Wanted you to know that if any of you are planning a trip there this summer you should wait till the fall IMHO. Our guide said the river is fishing like the end of August. Water is very low and there are a lot of "Hoot Owl" restrictions for many streams. [fishing from midnight till 2PM only is the HO restriction]. No Hoot Owl restrictions on the West or East Forks of the Bitterroot when we were there. The Prof went a week earlier and had great success at Rock Creek.
Thanks. Nancy and I are "suppose" to be out on the main branch the second and third weeks in September.
Mahogany Dun Hatch time for you. Rolf we really had to work for our fish. Tremendous Spruce Moth action but the funny thing is they don't hatch in the water but seem drawn to the water. Fish are extra wary because of the low water. Horrible snow melt this year.
I have spent endless hours saying on here-
Dog days are dog days-Montana-
Mid Sept-mid OCT. --go for it.
Sorry Fade.Friendly smiley face insert.
We are shooting for June next year Pete. Salmon and Golden Stone Fly hatches.
The western edge of MT seems to have most of the issues. Bozeman is rain all day and 49 today. Yellowstone park gotten a good amount of rain as well as here in Island Park. Tailwaters are more crowded. Headwaters and tailwaters are good spots. I always came out in July, August or Sept but being here in June this year was great. Much better on my limited sample size- I figure unless the snow is really abonornally high 2nd to 3rd week in June is best in general. Lots of hatches.

Looks like they are getting some rain.
Hoot Owl lifted on most of Big Hole. (Sure to heat up again I'm sure) Floating it tomorrow afternoon w 2 old board members near Wisom to Divide area. Snowed near Island Park last nite. At least the rain and cool helps for awhile.

What no pics of trips?