Bill O'Connor-----Hille's



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Correct me if wrong, C. W. O'Connor! Bill as we knew him on Railway St. Wmspt. Pa. Hilles's Fly Shop, Earnie Hille's Son in law! What a nice man. Professional by nature.
Bill had it all, the connections, the luster, the charisma, the cool!

He gave his knowledge, his time, effort and wisdom. Priceless.

Then he teamed up with another legend. Mike O'Brien! Wow! Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide. Wow!

See, i lived in the time of Giants! Now, seems i live in the time of Socerer's spell. I liked that cool feeling of being along, now the draft of being pulled apart!

C. W. and Mike! You really made a difference!

Kevin M. you know exactly who i am talking to" Write it now! So they can hang it on the wall and be proud of what they accomplished.

Only you can bring this one to "LIFE".

Your Pal, Maxima12

Larkmark, what money, all the help, from Bill nd Mike and i mean a great deal of help. Neither ever asked me for a dime.

Now i was lucky, in life, hundreds gave advice and help. Let me name a few, Leon Chandler, Joe Humphrey, Fred Arbona, George Harvey, Phil Baldacchino, Fred Reese, Allen Bright, Harry Murray, Fran Betters, Norm Shires, Dr. Jack Beck, Inky Moore, Ed koch, Ed Schenk, Penn State, Trout Unlimited, Tom Finkbinder, Chuck Matter, Wayne from Troutfitter, Woody from Indiana Angler, Gene from A A pro sop, Bob Sentiwany, Harry Murray, Lefty Kreh, Etc. etc. Neighbors, friends, accquaintances, fly men, fly gals, and fly by nights.

People from around the world,

Not one of them ever wanted a penny! Yes Presidents and Vice Presidents too! Bishops and Cardinals.

Pope of Rome said a personal prayer for me. Because i gave fish to feed the priests on Friday!

Never did they ask for loot. All gave back, some in money, some in luck and some in prayers! Lucky, strike that out. Blessed!

My time, before gone to praise my friends. 10 times 10 a hundred more! to the 5th power! I try to keep up, but can't! I try to give back, but not enough time in a day, a week, a month, a year!

Follow the money? I would rather follow the friendship! Money comes and goes, friendship, lasts a lifetime!

You often mention the people who made a career off flyfishing. Rarely if ever do you mention people no one ever heard of. You seem to like the " celebrities" and telling us all how you were personally connected to them. Just my take.
It's a rather jaded take, though. I don't see how it's constructive.
That is true, More manageable, celerbraties. You all know them and can relate a story, a shop, a visit, meeting etc.

The regular so to speak fly fishermen. I remember them, but so many, i have lost track. I try to keep in touch but it is impossible. At one time, wrote names and addresses in books. Then i got tired of writing, Writing for hours, knowing i was defeated before getting done;

I do pull the books on occasion, pick 1/2 dozen names and send a letter with a few samples. Christmas time cards is very hard also. Write a note inside, address, send a leader enclosed.

Very time consuming and costly. I try but not enough time. Even if i did it all day long.

I started on Ebay, when it was launched. Quit when it became overwhelming, quit again and again and again. Operated as John's Sports, J & M Flyfishing Supplies, John Fave Outdoors, Evolution Leader company, John Fave Fishing.

I never forgot the down to real life fisherman. They actually have supported me since age 16 and i am 65 now! I outlived many and many will outlive me.

I often wonder how life would have been, get home from work, eat dinner and relax. Rather than come home, tie fly's, tie leaders, do bookwork, eat a cold sandwich, go to bed and do it again the next day. As you would know it, busy time is fishing season, Missed a lot of days fishing due to being busy.

Here is a funny one. Opened a shop in Jan. 2016. Original owner said he would help, What ever you need, Had a part time gal, i paid, 100.00 a week. Went to Montana In July, same year. Came back 10 days later. Original owner, helper said good news. You made several thousand dollars while gone. I paid you part time gal, 420.00 dollars, paid jeff 638.00, paid electric bill 175.00 paid phone 120.00, by the way rent is due. I owed money. Closed doors 5 days later after i found out part time gal was also babysitting at shop for original owners friend and they did not pay her a dime and she had to buy lunch for the kids each day. She said, took 10.00 from drawer each day, you can deduct it from next several pays. Laughed and said, don't worry, your not getting any more pay.
Now it makes all the sense.

Forgot Montana, PA has all you need! Love it, Fish it, PA Yeah!
Why leave!
Bill O'Connor. Have not seen him in a couple years, have phone# and address. I suspect he has moved to a smaller place. As you get older, Big is not always better! Possible, he is alone now.

Last time i saw him was on Muncy Creek! You knew we were older, we talked an hour before fishing. When young we would fish, say see you later and goodbye after fishing 8 hrs.

Has it been that long, looking back. Friend just called, been friends 54 years. Seems like yesterday.

You know i am lucky, if late for work, they send someone to make sure i am o k . Get calls , emails make sure i am o k . I say sorry i am late, they say, Johnny we just wanted to make sure you were ok. Take it easy, you ok, need anything!

Somehow all worked out. Third base coming home! Watch out for the slide! I may just slide into heaven! See all friends again!