Bill Anderson's CET Sulphur



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
For those that saw Bill Anderson's presentation, here is a video of him tying his CET Sulphur fly.

A great pattern for the Little J or any stream to imitate sulphurs.

A great style of dry for many hatches. I love the CET. One modification I've made is using Krystal Flash for the tails in place of cemented tying thread.
@afishinado I thought that was a very interesting presentation last night. I just got off the phone with him this morning thanking him. We had a good discussion about his CET and migrating trout. Good stuff and thanks for posting this video.
Thanks for sharing - that is one I will try.
I really enjoyed that video. And I usually detest tying videos, especially when they are longer than 8 minutes. The only attitude in this video is the attitude that you want to orient materials while tying.
I like to use Antron as a shuck, but thread is ok if you don’t overcoat them. Sorry to be a pain, may be a***hole, but they work much better if the wings are cocked forward more then the examples I see here. Imagine the fly riding parallel to the dubbed body, tails down - think where the wings would be. In these cases they would be riding too low. I tied mine like these for the first couple of years, they did not work well. once I gave them “the right attitude “ as bill says they have been killer
Looks like a winner. I think lll gin up a few. Doesn't look like I'll be fishing much the next few days.
Looks like a great pattern, but I would not like all that glue on the jaws of my vise
Very interesting pattern. Thanks for sharing.
I like to use Antron as a shuck, but thread is ok if you don’t overcoat them. Sorry to be a pain, may be a***hole, but they work much better if the wings are cocked forward more then the examples I see here. Imagine the fly riding parallel to the dubbed body, tails down - think where the wings would be. In these cases they would be riding too low. I tied mine like these for the first couple of years, they did not work well. once I gave them “the right attitude “ as bill says they have been killer
Not a**hole at all, I appreciate the perspective. I have tied them with an antron shuck as well, sometimes with snowshoe hare wings. As far as efficacy, I haven't felt the need to change anything but I think moving forward I'll experiment with the wings. Thanks.