Big yellow bonefish



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA
Finally caught a palamino. Wasn't really going for trout today but when that thing started roaming the shallows like a bonefish I had to give it a cast. Needed to get down about three feet, fast as I had to pick its path before he took it and I laid the fly 6 feet in front and he took it. It was about 20 inches and was pretty fat. Now that I caugth one I don;t think I'll ever go seeking one out again but the pseudo bonefishing was kind of fun. It was fun watching the look on the guy to my right as I let him go too.

I'll give you three guesses what I caught him on.

anyone, anyone....Bueler, Bueler?
A Crazy Charlie?

I've only caught one on a fly rod too. He ignored dries and nymphs, but smashed a muddler on the first cast.

white zonker?
san juan worm, red or pink. probably red.
olive woolly bugger
I am going to say BH Walts worm or san juan chartreuse
Green Weenie

Did I win?
Stonefly Nymph.
I have caught them on muskrat nymphs and Walts Worm (I think because both could look like pellet food), a pink San Juan worm, and a tan caddis sparkle pupa.

You said you had to get the fly down fast, so if it wasn't one of the above heavily weighted, was it a copper john?
Wow...I'm actually busy..I forgot I posted this...anyway it was a light blue and tan Clouser...size 6. Jack, i hit him on the nose, with the olive bugger, earlier on a cruise by and he just ignored it. I forgot to mention that I caught him twice..well...sort of. I was at a small wall and when I released him he swam right into a stick next to some cattails. The stick had some discarded line attached and somehow he got that line stick in his mouth. So I used the clouser to snag the branch and pulled him within reach again so I could set him free. He really didn't put up much of a fight. A lot of head thrashing but no real runs or anything. I left the clouser on for another 15 minutes or so and then went back to catching crappies and bluegills.