Big Spring Flow Issues



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
Big Spring is experiencing some unusual flow rates at the current time. Starting in the lower FFO section between the Willow Tree parking lot and Nealy Rd, the water levels have dropped significantly.

I suspect a sinkhole.

In the meantime, you may care to avoid fishing the STW section below Nealy Rd and I'd suggest staying away from the lower FFO for the time being.

More to follow as we get information.
Is there a quarry nearby that pumps groundwater?

Often sinkholes develop that deplete the flow of streams as a result of that.


Thanks for the heads up.
:-o :-(
I was there Sunday and was shocked at how low it is down there! I don't think I've ever seen it like that before. It's definitely the lower section though. From the ditch down to the willow lot it's normal.
Funny thing, I've never fished Big Spring before this week. Went up twice, yesterday right below Nealy Rd. Couldn't figure out how people fished it with the water so low. Talked to a gentleman in the parking lot and he was filling me in on the water issues.

scs wrote:
Funny thing, I've never fished Big Spring before this week. Went up twice, yesterday right below Nealy Rd. Couldn't figure out how people fished it with the water so low. Talked to a gentleman in the parking lot and he was filling me in on the water issues.


What did he say about the water issues?
Same as mentioned above: possible sink hole.


On the subject of sinkholes a cool sink hole video!
Sinkholes are big problem in the Cumberland Valley. I still remember when there were a few on the Letort and there warning signs posted in the Quarry Meadow.

It was scary fishing up there!!
does anyone have any updates on water conditions at Big Spring. May take a run later this week with a buddy. About a 2.5 hr trip for us so any info would be appreciated. Thank you
BobHat wrote:
does anyone have any updates on water conditions at Big Spring. May take a run later this week with a buddy. About a 2.5 hr trip for us so any info would be appreciated. Thank you

Hi Bob,
Welcome to our online community - we're glad to have you.

The Big Spring flow problem is still persisting with low flows starting just above Nealy Rd (this is the lower boundary of the FFO section if you're unfamiliar with BS).

The good news, for now, is that as one progresses downstream the flow rates seem to recover so the affected section seems limited and stable.

The majority of the FFO section remains normal. Good luck with your trip if you go.
Thank you very much Dave! It will be my first trip to Big Spring. Also plan on hitting Yellow Breeches. My friend has fished these places but it's been a few years. I appreciate the quick reply.