

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I went to big spring today and couldn't believe my eyes I seen 5 Brownies over 20" . And I caught these two fighting

And I never seen so many of these in a stream any where.

Here is were the the stream/spring starts aka the Ditch

And the only fish I caught of the day was this one on a baby brown trout streamer I think he is about 25" that stream has some hard fishing ..... :-D

All and all I think it was a good day :-D
great pics and a real nice fish you got there!

I used that brown beetle again at Ridley the next day and I absolutely killed them! Thank you for handing that one over buddy!

We are gonna have to get together and hit some streams!

Nice catch

fighting?I would say the spawn was
That's one hell of a nice brown! Appears to be decked out in fall spawning colors and developing kype. Must be why it's fighting in above photo. Nice pictures. Look at those gill cover markings! That's a brown to be proud of. You got it right where I told you to fish. :-D Like you said, I should have joined you.
Tight lines
Should thrown a Don's Sculpin.

Here I got the recipe

Secret Recipe;
-layer uncooked noodles covering bottom of dish evenly
-2 cups ricotta cheese

wait that ain't right :lol: :lol:
heck ya man! i was just there the past few weeks and have seen some big browns. now while i caught tons of fish none of the big ones came to hand. seems me and u are opposites....i catch the most and u catch the biggest :-D NICE JOB and SWEET FISH! thats probably one of the nicest browns ive seen in awhile! Limestone streams are great! :-D :-D :-D
The ditch, the ditch. The ditch is baaack!

(Apologies to Elton John)
Fred, That brown is unreal!
Fortunately there aren't many brown in Big Spring, they'd give
the brookies a hard time. They are nice fish, doing their pre-
spawn thing, though I wouldn't call it fighting. I call it playing grab
I usually make a fall trip down there to see how the fishery is
progressing. The brookies still rule though you will find a few big
browns, the really big fish are the rainbows.
Glad to see you had some fun.
A suggestion to you on posting photos; down size them so that
the entire photo fits the screen. if you don't know how, PM me
and I'll pass on some simple instructions.
Its amazing how you can fish a stream all year and maybee see one or 2 that size all year. Then all of a sudden, Wham!! There they are. I would definately say they are getting ready to spawn and coming out of hiding. BEAUTIFUL FISH!!!!
Nothin' like hooking a fall brown! Nice one!

NICE trout Fred. I guess you are getting the hang of trout fishing!

I see you were stripping streamers like you do for smallmouth, and trying to imitate the sculpins and the fingerling trout that the big boys like. All the rest of us are trying to figure out how to fish a size #28 cream midge and catching the dinks – if we’re lucky.

You usually don't get many that way, but when you do connect - wow - Great job!
AWESOME AWESOME fish man.....

Beautiful fish. I have watched Big Spring undergoing her slow but steady recovery over the last few years since the hatchery was shut down in 2001. Back in the 80s, most of the big fish I saw in BS were often downstream of the fish barrier (removed in 1994) but by the 90s this section - at least from what I could see - had become barren of fish and all the fish were concentrated in the "ditch." The debate about how BS ought to be managed has popped up on this forum before and I am on the record as favoring a return of a fish barrier and the (some would say sentimental) restoration of a brook trout population. Whatever tthe case, it's nice to see some of the giants that are still there. The creek could use some improvements to deepen some of the Heritage Section. Spawning fish such as the ones you photographed are vulnerable to poachers without some cover. A few few years ago the heritage section was being poached by a guy using a gig. I was pleased to see the local WCO policing the heritage section the last couple times I fished there this spring. Hopefully, with the big spawners out in plain view, they'll continue the patrols. Thanks for the photos.
Beautiful brown!!!

Last time I fished BS, my buddy and I scared the heck out of some kids in the ditch with power bait. We told them we were going to call the PAF&BC and walked to our car and got a cell phone out. They took off out of there so fast I think their tires melted.

Those are some edumacated fish in there. Kudos for tricking one.
I give that picture 10 gold stars!!!
That is an awesome fish!

However, I am not a fan of the throw it on the bank and let it flop around for minutes picture - especially this time of the year when they are already exerting a lot of energy for the spawn.

Just a thought.
Be careful what you wish for Fishidiot, if the channel is deepened I believe the advantage brookies now have will be gone and the browns will take over.
Although in the heat of the moment sometimes we do some things we wouldn't normally do, I feel compelled to back what TDB said. Especially this time of year as it looks like some milt is leaking out in the one shot.
I dont remember you posting anything remotely like this post and can only imagine what that experience was like. Beautiful, beautiful fish on a beautiful stream. My hat is tipped to you. And thank you for the GREAT pics as well.
I rather take a pic of a fish in the water it looks more natural and is better for the fish. But the water goes right up to the grass and he keep trying to swim away so I had to put him on the grass. The first pic was good and the second one was when he flopped after that he was in the water he was out maybe 20 seconds I noticed the milk also and rushed him back in the water and he swam right away . I don't think I will ever catch another trout like this in my life time but I can always try :-D Not to bad for someone who has only been fly fishing for a little over a year now :-D