Big Fall Browns



Active member
May 15, 2013
So, its that time of year again, the fall big brown chase is almost done.

How did everyone do this fall for the big browns?? Anyone catch or see any?? How bout those famous 30"+ fish we have talked about before??

As most know on here, I am a loyal big brown chaser in PA, specifically in fall. I would be intersted to hear how others did this year.

Personally, I didnt do as well as normal, and not near as well as the past few years. I only got 1 very large individual, and a few others that were big, but not huge. I have some thoughts as to why, but who knows.

Between chasing bass and brookies in mountain streams, I didn't get much chance to chase big browns this fall, unfortunately.

Good thread topic, however. I too would be interested to hear from the big autumn brown crowd.

I didn't have nearly enough time to fish as I've been so busy working. I didn't manage anything near 30" that is for sure but got one pretty good one heavy fish in the 20" and and then a handful of much more slender 16"-18" fish.
I prefer to let the big browns spawn in the fall here in PA. Let them do their thing so we have the resources in the future. I won't even fish for them from mid October until now.
Bigjohn, I respect your opinion, to each their own. But, as I and others have said on here before, I am totally aware and careful of redds and actively spawning fish, and see no problem in fishing Oct through Dec.

When your main passion in life is trying to catch very large browns, it would be a fools mission to not fish at this time of year. Ive been doing this since I was 14 or so, over 20 years ago. And the fish are still where they always were, in some cases I actually think its better now than 10+ years ago.

The type of fish I am after, the fall/early winter is really the only reasonable chance to get them. Fish appear in places you will never see them in the spring/summer. Not only migrating fish but resident stream fish.

I have said on here before, one place I have consistently caught very large browns(27" to 30") is actually a very popular, known stream. Gets hit a lot during the hatches. The fish are never seen then, hardly anyway. But come fall, I fish some oddball spots/tribs way upriver, and low and behold, those fish are around.

Jifigz, nice fish. All browns over 20" are a good fish!!!
I fished New York Tribs and put a hook in one that rolled and was gone. Did see some in the creeks and on the move and a few being drug out probably smoker bound? It was a bit early as the best time is after the middle of November when the Erie Canal is emptied. Creeks are up and the fish move in bigger numbers. Drop back fishing there is good in March and April, so I've been told. GG
Good thread! Post some pics of beasts! I leave them alone a lot in the fall, but I know it can be done ethically and have done it plenty. Plus, I also have striper problem that makes me take long rides to the beach from Thanksgiving until about now. You know, I don't think I beat 20 inches this year (unless holdovers or Spring Creek escapee bows count :lol: ), but I dug through my blog posts and found some pics of little piggies up to 20.








Nymph, nice fish man!
NY tribs might be cheating a bit, with the rich food base in Lake O and all. But, I did land two very large fish (among several "smaller" ones) when I was up there about a month ago. A 29" male and a 30" female, both extremely heavy even for that length and around the 15 pound mark.


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It might be cheating... but look at the kype on that dinosaur! Great fish!
Brown71 wrote:
Bigjohn, I respect your opinion, to each their own. But, as I and others have said on here before, I am totally aware and careful of redds and actively spawning fish, and see no problem in fishing Oct through Dec.

When your main passion in life is trying to catch very large browns, it would be a fools mission to not fish at this time of year. Ive been doing this since I was 14 or so, over 20 years ago. And the fish are still where they always were, in some cases I actually think its better now than 10+ years ago.

The type of fish I am after, the fall/early winter is really the only reasonable chance to get them. Fish appear in places you will never see them in the spring/summer. Not only migrating fish but resident stream fish.

I have said on here before, one place I have consistently caught very large browns(27" to 30") is actually a very popular, known stream. Gets hit a lot during the hatches. The fish are never seen then, hardly anyway. But come fall, I fish some oddball spots/tribs way upriver, and low and behold, those fish are around.

Jifigz, nice fish. All browns over 20" are a good fish!!!

Lake run browns are different. There aren't that many here in PA. NY is the hotspot for them. I'll head to NY next year to chase them. I have my rod all built and ready to go!
Char, great browns man. I spent a few weeks in NY this fall. I would say it was above average fishing this year. We caught a pile of browns, and a lot of steelhead for this time of year up there. Those are pigs, congrats!

Bigjohn, have fun in NY! And I am talking about stream only fish too. The one popular place I refer to that I get very large ones is a stream that feeds a bigger stream. I fish it all summer, and never see fish like I see in the fall/winter. I think a few come from the bigger stream, but I also think some are just in the deep holes all summer, only active at night for something. All I know is, all of a sudden they appear LOL. And there is no lake around. I have always said though, I think there is a lot more migration from bigger streams to smaller streams than what most think. Cool stuff either way.
TJones wrote:
It might be cheating... but look at the kype on that dinosaur! Great fish!

Thank you! I had to untangle that kype from the net when I went to pick it up haha. I'd say it was around 1-1.25" tall.
Brown71 wrote:
Char, great browns man. I spent a few weeks in NY this fall. I would say it was above average fishing this year. We caught a pile of browns, and a lot of steelhead for this time of year up there. Those are pigs, congrats!

Thanks! Runs have been great everywhere this Fall. I only make one trip to Lake Ontario tribs each year, but it was well worth the 5 hour drive! Even Erie tribs got more fish than I've ever seen up there before, was hooking up to 3-15 fish per day in PA tribs (decent for an amateur like me) and landed an 11-12lb Steelie in October.
Loved the fall run when I lived in Montana-big fish and had the rivers to myself as everyone else was thinking about and hunting and dudes and duds were gone.Image having the whole danged jellystone to your greedy little self---doesn't get any better.
Will confess did keep one 5 pounder to eat back in the bad times of the early 80's--big mistake-browns are to C&R not to feast on-thankfully...