Big Brookies



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
We've had big brookie discussions here before, and anyone interested might check this link:

The guy shot a short video of brookies spawning on the Battenkill. He says some of the brookies are 12-13 inches. And that since C&R the number of large brookies has gone way up. Says a guide got a client into a 16-incher.

Interesting stuff. Maybe I'll make a trip next season....
that is way cool! ya i love big brookies. some day ill make it up to the sutton river or somewhere where the brookies get to be 5-10lbs. thats a dream of mine. but hey you can, but its rare, catch some 15 inchers here in pa. i did once on slate run. it is very rare, but when it happens, there is nothing like it! :-D
There is a stream back by my parents house in Mass that is loaded with brookies and the state or most fisherman simply pass it by. The stream gets crowded for the first couple weeks out of the season and then it dies down to almost nothing. You can fish it year round and catch a ton of fish. I have caught several 9" brookies and the majority of fish are around 6-8". I am always amazed when I fish this gem because no ones seems to pay it any mind.
thats good though Wmass as you probably already know. less pressure means better fishing and better for the fish! be glad and enjoy every second you have with that little gem! :-D
here's a big brookie taken by a lady in a small pool I had just passed up. It was in a state park north of brookville. Don't remember the name right now...I gave her my card and told her I'd email it ot her. She never emailed.
The state park north of Brookville might be Clear Creek SP. That brook trout looks like a stockie.
yes, that's it Clear Creek. It was opneing weekend and I had to leave early sunday but I wasn't done fishing so I was looking for somewhere sort of on the way home. I had panned on trying the clarion but it was ungodly windy.

I'm pretty sure it was a stocky but it was in nice shape. Nice square tail and pretty fins. Not at all what I was seeing the day before.
here is a 16" brookie. It has nice coloration and nice fins, but based upon where I caught it I would say it is a stockie. Probably a well-kept breeder.
Successful trip! I ended up with a 9'6" 6 weight Orvis Encounter rod, which was absolutely a dream on the Sutton River. Drove a little more than 1000 miles, flew a little more than 400 miles, and paddled between 70 and 80 miles. Unbelievable fish. Only saw 8 polar bears, and all from the air, although we saw fresh tracks on several days. It definitely adds an unfamiliar element to the mix when you are casting mice patterns to a riffle full of 6-8lb brook trout, while casting a nervous glance over your shoulder ever 30 seconds!

Thanks for the recommendations, and if anyone is contemplating a trip to the Sutton, feel free to PM me.

Scott in Chester Co.


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Please note that this thread is nearly a decade old and has been refreshed.
The largest I've caught this year are 2 11 inch brookies, 2 days in a row, one in the Poconos the offer in Michaux SF. I've seen much larger ones during the spawning season, they usually come out in November in SEPA, and have caught brookies up to 16 inches. The largest I've caught in a freestone stream so far has been a 14 inch brookie in a NC PA stream.
Have spent 2 weeks in the Great North Woods the past 2 years in a row with a few buddies targeting large Brookies.






docdom wrote:
Have spent 2 weeks in the Great North Woods the past 2 years in a row with a few buddies targeting large Brookies.

In Maine? What are typical sizes of brookies you catch up there, and what the biggest you've caught?

Yes Maine. I've caught brookies of all sizes up there with the biggest being probably 5lbs.