Beivers good cousin



Active member
Dec 29, 2006

After driving all the way to Selinsgrove to find out that not only Penns but Spring creek was unfishable as well, I drove right back towards Harrisburg to help float stock Stony which is what I should have been doing anyway. 6 hrs later we were done and there were people everywhere by then which left me with the choices of where to go to fish. Clarks and the Breeches have been a pretty big dissappointment so far. I can tell you where I went was evidently closed water for years, owned by a flyfisherman who did stream reconstruction and all kinds of work (DEP mandated wetlands) and the like. When I first looked in the water I thought what I had to be seeing were carp. The first one I missed busted my hook in half, somewhere over 20" with the male brownies triangular head. Lost 2 more around 17-18" and caught 7 other brooks and brownies averaging 14". Everything on 12 March browns.
While I was there the landowner showed and waved and gave me a chance to come talk to him. He said he put the trout in 2 yrs ago with a supplemental stocking last year from Green Springs. He was extremely likeable , refused a $20.00 and said payment is in the form of taking care of the stream, and barbless FFO, and no crowds, which is why I cant post where this mini paradise is. After he left I caught the trout above at 22", my largest ever on a dry fly. As it turned to evening the spinners came and I saw huge wakes start to appear all around me. Got alot on but couldnt keep them suckers on,
even though I was still pretty much in heaven. I have no idea how many times last night I said the words "Holy ****".
This man whos first name is Jim gave me a night to remember and wants nothing more than morals and stewardship after easily sinking 10's of thousands into his project. And its not even drake season yet.
I wish I could tell you all exactly where to go to get to this stream, moments like these are always better shared. But if you bump into it and have barbless flies, and good ethics, you may help yourself.

I believe this man, IS the man Donnie Beiver claims to be.
ill say it too.holy****! nice fish man!
I want to get this straight-- he put the fish in two years ago and they are still in the stream? Isn't that highly unlikely? Are you sure these fish aren't wild?
Now you did it! Some one on here is going to turn this guy in for disturbing the stream and displacing 3 inch suckers and brook trout.

Stories like yours are why we speculate for new water. I am gullable, but I bet (and hope) there a more than a few of those streams in the state. Some old dude with a lot of money and a passion for fish. Why not!
I've only ever caught 2 wild brownies out of that stream, both around 8". I only know what this man told me and after doing something like he did, I doubt hes giving me bull of any sort. Though red is invading some of the spots, I could still see orange spots towards this trouts front half. It was the best experience for me in a long time and there was one that had to go 8 lbs. Bet I saw 30 trout between 17' and atleast 24". He did it with no help whatsover from the commission. They wouldn't or couldn't approve spec regs for him. So what it is basically is ANY flyfishermans private property. No dues accepted. Believe me, I was scratchin my head for a while too. Till those huge wakes started appearing. Then I forgot all about it. I wish SOOO bad I could tell you where. We'd probably be moving the Jam. If Fesstus was with last night, I believe he'd agree.
If Fesstus was with last night, I believe he'd agree.

Man....I'm having a dry spell with all this excess water up here. That's enough to drive me nuts. And the danged turkeys got lockjaw. And now this. I'm thinkin I just might go off the deep end this afternoon. :-o :-? :-? :-?

Anybody wanna come along? :) :lol: :lol:
What an awesome fish!!! Festus, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the turkeys forgot how to make noise this spring.
They wuz gobblin good on Saturday. Called 3 longbeards in and sent an arrah over the leaders back. Been purty quiet ever since 'cept for one that was enticing me to come over to his side of the holler yesterday. Ol' Festus played his game before and stayed put until he's over on my side. :-D

I've found out this fellow does feed these trout pellets which tells me why they holdover, coupled with the holding water hes made. But they still feed on some naturals, its NOT like casting into a nursery. Can only get them near or at dark. Caught more fish, in the high teens but I dont wanna rub it in faces. The story here is there are people out there willing to do what hes done just because he loves it.
Money is NOT the motivator.
Wouldn't you know it, he said he know Donnie Beiver rather well but is NOT a member.
The word will get out on this eventually and then it will be very crowded, which the landowner probably won't like.

To extend the time until it gets found out as long as possible, I would post no further info or photos about it. I haven't figured out what stream it is, yet, but the info posted and photo have narrowed it down quite a lot.
Sure enough, last time I went two fellers showed up with one with a flyrod and the other chucking corn in. Fortunatly they didnt catch anything, probably because the chumming stopped after I bitched at'em. Ofcourse they played dumb, "Duh, you're not allowed to do that?" was their reply. Then 4 guys show up, bring a cooler full of beer and just watch. Sounded like a bunch of pirates talking and pointing at the fish...." ARRRR, ARR, ARRRRRR". Can only guess what would have happened if there was no other fishermen there. Funny thing is the two that were chumming turned in a direction when they left that meant they HAD to be locals and they probably knew the owner.
As I look back at it I probably should have took the time to show those 2 how to catch them without chumming. Live and learn.