Beginner Fly Tying Book



New member
Apr 8, 2014
Anybody out there have any suggestions for a good beginner's fly tying book that won't break the bank? Looking for something that has tips and tricks as well as some basic patterns. Thanks!

Try your local library- great resource and it's free.

In Allegheny Co- I can order a book from anywhere in my county and they deliver it to my local library for free. There are hunderds of fishing book flyfishing and otherwise.

Find someone who does it and spend an hour watching them. You'll learn far more than you can reading a book for ten times as long.

Try local fly shops, sportspersons meetings, or TU meetings. If you can't find a human, you may be able to watch online videos if you can get past gross fingernails, mouth breeders, and the other assorted undesirable elements of people who are trying to (poorly) market their "skill." At least it shows you basic things. The movements are more important than the static pictures in a book.

Failing that, the library is a better start. You'll soon realize that every fly tying book ever written likely re-hashes the same course of learning; most of those books exist for the pattern listings at the back. The Interweb will fulfill that role nicely, too.

I am relatively new to tying, still a novice. I used the Charlie Kraven book mentioned above when I started. It is a great education. I started at the beginning and tied each fly in order. He builds on techniques as he moves through the book.

I highly recommend it.