Beginner columbia county



Oct 22, 2013
Hi all I've been lurking for a few months on here with my home waters mainly consisting of fishing creek. I took up spin fishing last year with some decent success but am looking to add to my arsenal with fly fishing. (Maybe even make the complete switch). I am interested in getting into some Brookie fishing and hiking. I have yet to purchase any equiptment and am looking for info on that and a mentor(s) or fishing buddie(s). I am gonna try to make the newbie in March but that is a weekend I have my kids so not sure on that. Anyone that would like to take me under there wing I am all ears. Thanks Keith.
Welcome to the forum. This is the right place for beginners. There are a lot of highly experienced people here who are very willing to help.

Not sure how far you are from Allentown, but there is a newbie jam there in March. Here's the thread.

2014 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (Newbie Jam) Saturday 3/15/14

On purchasing equipment, post your budget and type of water/fish you'll be going for in the Gear Talk section of the forum.
Welcome, you've come to the right place.
Welcome to the Jungle!
Welcome aboard, I remember when I made the switch from hardcore hardware bass fishing to fishing for them with a fly rod. I'm so glad I did.
Read. Read. Read. This is a great resource. Don't be afraid to try different things when you fish. Be patient and have fun.
Welcome to the board Keith

dsmith wrote:

Read. Read. Read. This is a great resource. Don't be afraid to try different things when you fish. Be patient and have fun.
This and also ask questions, questions and more questions when u have'm.

Also .. as RCFetter try really hard to make it to the Instructional Jam. 2 years ago I never picked up a fishing rod, none the less a fly rod .... and it really sent me in the right direction. If u can't, keep ur eyes open as there are 2 or 3 more newbie get-togethers which are very good
Keith you have a PM.
Thank you all very much. Gonna try hard to make the newbie jam in March.