Been Tying Again



Sep 9, 2009
So after a LONG break from tying (for good reasons, not bad) I finally got the basement cleared out, finished a few projects, got the tying table re-organized and sat down to tie some the other night.

I would say not bad for not having tied for over a year!

I will be tying up more partridge/yellows and partridge/orange now that the sulphurs are here. It's not traditional, but I added a tail to the one p/o. And if you have read any of my posts here, you know that my all time favorite fly to tie AND fish is the GRHESH.

Feedback is welcomed.





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They really look nice. I've been tying for a little over a year so FWIW, the hackle in the last two might be too long.

I just started tying soft hackle flies and about a month ago and I searched this forum and the web for hackle size for soft hackle flies and did not come up with anything. Maybe someone can offer a more experienced opinion.
Nice ribs. Wire under what material?

I used 6x tippit and coat with sally Hanson.
afishinado wrote:
They are about right. I like to keep SH's fairly sparse with the hackle.

From my experience, the hares ears fish better with a little more hackle. The partridge with floss I try to tie with a little less.
That is some nice tying there. I don't often put a bead on a soft hackle. But if I do I like to put the hackle in front of the bead. Really makes the hackle stand up.

I agree about the bead. Soft hackles best imitate a bug rising in the water column , a large bead just hampers that whole effect. They work well with most lengths of hackle, up to a point, the difference in your ties are a few mm's and the fish don't care. Fish can't resist a soft hackle presented right.
Very nice flies. I am starting to fish soft hackles and getting into some nice fish.
Don't forget you can dead drift soft hackles like nymphs, hence the bead. I fish the bead heads on the swing and have plenty of success that way as well.