Beaverkill Video



Mar 17, 2014
I just got a gopro the other week and took it with me to the Beaverkill. It nothing great but here is what I got.

let me know what you think

mmm good
wouldnt mind living there
me too, I love it up there
Nice vid. I'm iffy on the music tho.
Thanks! i am still trying to mess around with it and learn how to edit

yea me too about the music, but it was the only unlicensed music i had on my computer to add to the video. I have found more since then and don't plan on using that anymore
Looks good. I like that stream. Video was cool.
What's with taking photos of your wrist with your phone when you have a Gopro on your head?

my phone takes better pictures than the gopro. Sometimes i like to have a picture too, not just a video.
in the first section....that far bank gives it away.... Carins Pool.... right? Got a little bow at the end which was good to see. Haven't been over there in a while and really should swing by it this spring.

Glad to see that river finally had some water in it. Mighty low all summer.
that is right, yea i made a few trips up this summer and the water was very low, made for some hard fishing. It was nice to get back there when it had some more water in it.

Thats the one and only Bow i have pulled out, all others were browns
I always seem get one good bow in the riff above (horsebrook). Spent many days on that river but haven't gotten over much in last 10 yrs. Trying to solve the D which I should have figured out in another 25 yrs or so. LOL
haha i have been told by a number of peopel to forget the beaverkill and fish the D but i have never tried it, its on my list of places to get to.
The upper east (above where Beaverkill dumps in) is slow and spring creek looking. Below 'the jaws', the lower east is like a super sized Beaverkill. West and main are more gentle rivers. The fish can be more finicky because of pressure and the lack of stocked fish. You need a 15"-19" bow. Placid turns to chaos quickly after hooking one. The other thing you get by heading west 20 miles, bigger average fish but catching numbers will probably drop when compared to Beaverkill. If you want to try it, I'll show you around if our paths cross up there. You're missing another 60 miles of water by not exploring it.

BTW, crossed the top of the pool you were fishing at close to 800 cfs once and I stress once. LOL. Got to the other side and caught 40+ fish on far side between horsebrook and tail of carins.Most fish were 16"-19" that day. One of my best days ever. On the way back across, foot got caught, got spun by current and it tore the sole off my wading boot. Glad the boot tore. There was almost a "body recovery" that day.
thanks for the info i will make sure i check it out the next time I plan a trip up there. I hope our paths do cross up there. I wouldnt mind going up in average size but catching less fish. The largest fish i got from the Kill was about 15 - 17 in. never had great numbers but the views are nice.

Thats a crazy story, thats why i like to have someone with me, never been up there during flows that high but i have made some questionable decisions other places.