Beaverdam Branch of the Juniata



Mar 28, 2009
I moved to Blair County a few weeks ago and I have been fishing the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata that is right down from my house. I have had a blast with the Smallmouth and Largemouth that are there. I have also seen a fair number of carp that I need to get after.

Right where I live the Beaverdam Branch flows into the Frankstown branch and the water is a lot colder. A quick internet search showed that the Beaverdam has naturally reproducing trout. However, I also found a PAFBC article about the Beaverdam that says it only has warm water fish.

Curious if it does hold trout. I plan on exploring it at some point, but wanted to get an idea of what I should be prepared to find. The road I drive that runs along the creek shows that it has a lot of structure and what looks like some deep holes.

I know they stock the Frankstown Branch, but I wonder if it has any wild brown trout around the Hollidaysburg area. The water feels to warm to me to hold trout, but I could be wrong. I have not ventured to far from where I live though. I need to get out more.
There are plenty of opportunities to catch wild trout in that area. If you suspect it could be good, give it a shot.
use caution fishing for trout on the beaver dam branch. It has regularly been exceeding 70 degrees all summer. Especially during the last heat wave.
Yeah. I will take a temp before I fish it for sure. I just didn't know if there were trout in there or not since I have read conflicting things.
Its been a few years, but I've caught some small browns in Beaverdam that I suspect were wild. They were 6-8" long and just too bright to have been stocked. They are there....good luck!!

BTW, without giving up your best spot, could you suggest somewhere on the Frankstown that I might be able to find some smallmouth? I live close by but don't ever fish it......
I have only fished it twice, and have caught just a few smal smallies and largemouth, but I have always caught fish so far where the beaverdam dumps into frankstown on reservoir road.

If you ever plan on fishing there drop me a pm. I live right there!
I took a ride yesterday afternoon after all the rains finally let up. Alot of muddy water, but I'd guess things will be in decent shape in a few days. The Frankstown below Hollidaysburg was up in the weeds.
To answer your question, yes there are wild browns in the Fransktown Branch. Reference the PFBC biologist report from 2007. They caught 11 total I think. I won't say it is a tremendous wild brown stream but they are in there