Beaver in Valley Creek



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Not the two legged one - lol. I've seen lots of the flat tailed critters over the years, but can't offhand recall one in the Philly burbs. Yesterday I was educating some caddis eating browns in a particularly woody section and heard some motion behind me, only to behold a beaver. Is this unusual? I know the critters are making a comeback.
I saw evidence of them in the ponds on the Milton Hershey Campus! Very surprised since this is a fairly manicured location.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a beaver in that area at all.

They're all over the place out here in the sticks in SCPA. My guess would be that there would be a lot fewer trappers in the Philly suburbs and that it would be a good area for beavers to colonize (except for all the roads and traffic). Look at how many deer are in that area.
Hi Les-
Some some beaver evidence two weeks ago in one of my spots outside the park. Hope you are doing well.

Peter C.
They've taken down a few trees along Crum creek in Smedley park, Delaware county.
Hi Les! They have been around for the last 5 or 10 years. More numbers recently and I have not put eyes on many. They have tried "improving" the creek in a few spots but just can't build anything strong enough to survive the storm flow. PeteL