Beautiful day on the breeches



Active member
Mar 7, 2014
Today is my 40th birthday, so I took the day off to fish the Yellow Breeches.

Started by helping the PFBC stock, which was not only fun, but also a good way for a newbie to find more water to fish. Lots of help float stocking, although when I can back to fish one of the float stocked sections, I did not have much luck. Still I had a great day and really am seeing some improvement in my catching and hit detection.

Ended the day back at the same place I missed a big brown my last time out. Coaxed a nice rainbow to take my white BH bugger. I am convinced it was a combination of adequate weight, a decent cast, and a good hook set as I took the scrappy guy out of a fast riffle.

I didn't catch a ton, but enough to really enjoy. And even better I feel like I am making progress.

Not a riser to be seen today and only a few bugs coming off - light colored mayflies. And for you birders, today's treats were an Osprey near the end of the Run in Boiling Springs and a beautiful hooded merganser downstream of the closed arch bridge. Wildflowers everywhere. Spring is in full bloom.
Laurel, sounds like a great day. Happy B-day. today is mine 55. Fishing is not just about catching fish. It soulds like you got it. It's about enjoying life and all that Mother nature has to offer.\

Way to go.

I hope you had a great B-day. Also hope you did get not too wet. It has been pouring in C-burg almost all day.
When I was last up there I seen an Osprey and also over on Big Springs

Sounds like a great time Laurel. I am heading up on Sunday to hunt turkey and fish the YB next Monday and Tuesday. If you head back out, save a few for me.