Bean rods.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007
Got the bug for a new rod, decided that something really, really short would be useful for me. As in less than 7'.

3wt 6'6" Quest 2.
3wt 6'6" Streamlight.
3wt 5'9" Streamlight.

I found the 5'9" appealing, but I figure at that point I'm really gimping myself with a super shorty, and I'll still be hanging up back casts in branches, anyways.

I waffled back and forth on the 6'6" rods, it wasn't the $30 increase in price, it was the fact I didn't want a 3wt, I wanted a 4wt.

I went with the Quest because it was much stiffer than than the Streamlight, and it seemed that it would tolerate uplining without an issue.

I had it out today, I'm happy enough with castability, but I've also really had my eyes opened to the ability of a sensative rod, and there's really no way to test that out short of really getting out there and tryign them all to do a compare and contrast for all.

I don't mind taking advantage of the satisfaction garuntee once, and just swapping it out for a different model, but I don't want to be the guy who cycles through all of them one after another.

(and before someone thinks its schiesty to take advantage of that sort of thing, I kept it clean, wrapped in plastic, and ensured I didn't abuse it, if it goes back, it goes back in pristine shape)

(this started as a PM to HA, but hell, everyone should have a chance to weigh in)

(yes, it will be an LL Bean rod. the people in this store deserve my money, the price is right, and the satisfaction gauruntee is, i believe, the best in the business)

(tired of paranthetical statements yet?)
You goin' ice fishing? :lol:

Sure, you go there when I'm not there. This thread is worthless without pictures. :-D
Heritage-Angler wrote:
You goin' ice fishing? :lol:

Sure, you go there when I'm not there. This thread is worthless without pictures. :-D

I go there every Tuesday, but you know this. The decision just sort of hit, but was mostly based on the fact that when I was out Saturday, I was hampered with the 10' and tree branches.

So, I figured, hell, they're cheap why not? And went extra short.

I still find alot of tree branches, there's definatly some significant tradeoffs when you slice a third of the length off, both positive and negative.

Also, you didn't actually answer the question. You should, coz if you tell me the 6'6" Streamlight is significantly better, I'll execute the swap this weekend. LIke I said, its not the $30, its the fact that the Quest seemed to basically be the 4wt I wanted.


You think this is small, you should've seen the 5'9"...
I have the 5'9" and it is small.
However i like it and it has its uses. One of them is casting with my 4 year old daughter in the back yard!

Honestly tho i think you made a good choice on the step up. But the shorty does well in those special cases.
What line do you keep on the 5'9" 3wt, and how does it do?

My primary goal was being able to throw a bushy size 12 Wulff, or equivilent style, and one weighted dropper 18" down.

IIRC, the 5'9" seemed really limp, and just didn't seem that it was going to be as broadly useful as stepping up another 9" to a 6'6" with a little more power. Or maybe that was the Streamlight 6'6".
Gary - Across the whole lineup, I prefer the Quest series to the Streamlights. The hardware is a bit nicer on the Quest, and the rods cast really well. Best bargain fly rod on the market!

Where else are you gonna find a rod for under $70 that has a lifetime warranty? If they made it in more sizes/weights, I'd own a bunch of them. I'd absolutely love to have a 9' 4wt 4pc Quest rod!

There was a rod comparison article a few years back that compared under $300 rods, and the Quest came in second place. They remind me a lot of the Sage DS2 series, and look pretty close as well.
Thanks. Since you've got extensive time with them I value the back up opnion to my own. When your time is limited, and you can't side by side over a time frame it's easy to second guess. Combined with the dirt cheap price ya gotta wonder.

I still want, and do not need, the silver ghost switch.
I actually use a 4 wt line on it and seems to work well. Of course i like slower rods like bamboo and fiberglass as well but i'm usually not casting far on the waters i fish this thing on.

As long as i'm not throwing a lot of weight i've been able to cast streamers with it as well as busy drys. I do think the short lengths limits the streams i fish it on but i have other rods. But if i feel like fishing some small feeders it fits well. And it can shoot some distance if there is a hatch on the main stems.

That said, i wouldn't look twice at the move you made.
Hey gfen - Today being my first day of the season at the Bean, I got to play with the Silver Ghosts. OMG! They're cannons!!! They feel an awful lot like the Sage TCX.

One day, and I'm in the red already. :-(
As far as I'm concerned, its officially mine as of today. Dropped it in the water, can't return it now with a clear concious if I wanted to.

I was mostly under the assumption you just worked there as an excuse to buy more equipment, anyways.... What's that maximum number of rods, again? 40?