


Jul 26, 2014
Do people use beads in NY for salmon, or is that mainly a steelhead thing. I take trips to pulaski and use just basic egg flies, but with 2 young kids my tying time is limited, so buying like a pack of 50 beads seems pretty convenient. And no, I don't want to just use a sponge.
If you are talking about those little rubber bead/ eggy looking ing things, they are fine. My fishing buddy and his wife, neither whom are fly tyers use them exclusively. Simple cheap and effective.

An unscientific observation to note, cohos seem to prefer orange ones.

These things.
From the Summary book for Fly Fishing Only areas:

"Fishing may be done with artificial flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materials, so long as all flies are constructed in a normal fashion with components wound on or about the hook."

So are those beads legal in FFOs?

The beads you mentioned are also scented. I seem to remember a prohibition of scented baits in some areas of PA but relying on my memory is iffy at best. I can't find in writing where that prohibition might apply. Ever hear of it?

I'm not tryin' to nit pick. I am just looking for info...
If your using the beads on the hook your good to go but if your pegging beads on the line I hear people are staring to get fined. That’s what I been hearing for pa and ny. Don’t know how true it is.
I'm talking about the beads you peg on your line. From my understanding they legal, just not in the FFO.
I didn't think you could fish with a bare hook, but I'm not totally sure.
There is no good reason to ever fish beads
We've had this discussion before on PAFF but it's been a few years and my recollection is hazy.

My memory is that pegged bead type presentations are not legal in any waters in PA.
Dave_W wrote:
We've had this discussion before on PAFF but it's been a few years and my recollection is hazy.

My memory is that pegged bead type presentations are not legal in any waters in PA.

I believe this is the thread you are referring to above >

Trout Bead Thread

This is from a post in the thread copying an opinion from a PFBC official found online >

"The method you describe is often referred to as the "Trout Bead Method" or "the Moffet Method". It is not specifically addressed by those titles in our regulations.

PFBC Regulations state that fish may not be foul-hooked (hooked anywhere other than inside the mouth), and it is also illegal to intentionally attempt to snag or foul hook a fish. The following is the exact wording of the current Title 58 regulations.
§ 63.9. Snatch fishing, foul hooking and snag fishing.
(a) It is unlawful to take or attempt to take fish by the methods known as snatch fishing, foul hooking or snag fishing or to take or attempt to take fish with a snagging hook or device which may be used to capture the fish by engaging the device in, to, with, or around any part of the body of the fish. In addition, it is unlawful to possess a snagging hook while in the act of fishing. A snagging hook is a fishing device that is designed or modified to facilitate the snagging of fish. It is either of the following:
(1) A hook with other than a single barb which is weighted on the shank at any point below the eye of the hook and above the barbs thereof.
(2) A hook that is otherwise designed or modified so as to make the snagging of fish more likely when it is used than if a normal hook or fishing device were used.
Since the Trout Bead and Moffet Methods are designed to hook a fish on the outside of the mouth they are not currently considered legal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The beads do not make the terminal tackle a regulated item, it is the manner in which the fish would be hooked.

LTC Don Lauver
Assistant Director
Bureau of Law Enforcement
PA Fish and Boat Commission
Which leads to an interesting question. If a pegged bead is placed above the hook and the fish takes the bead and is then hooked outside the jaw, what is the purpose of the peg? Why not just place the bead on the hook and when fish takes the bead you have him fairly hooked? Ie in the mouth.

All this aside, I think the OP was questioning if the bead placed on the hook would be a successful tactic. He had issues with use of sponge.
Never found out the real reason why it started but 2 things I heard. A pegged bead on the line is just a easy way of line flossing.

2nd I heard is that it was started so that the fish could not swallow the hook. So it’s an easy catch and release without hurting them.
The original poster was asking about N.Y. salmon fishing, not Pa.
moon1284 wrote:
There is no good reason to ever fish beads

Except they are easy to use, require no "fly tying", can be carried in bulk bags/boxes without tangling until ready to use, are very natural looking, are very effective, and probably some other advantages I've overlooked.

Beads would be my go-to for steelhead if it wasn't for laws based on a misunderstanding of their use. Anything you put on your line can be used to snag fish, beads are not particularly worse than any other fly, lure, or bait. Rigged properly, they don't cause any additional injury to fish. In fact, they reliably hook fish in the jaw. Rigged improperly, they still aren't worse than a regular nymph/egg rig.
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I was asking about salmon fishing in NY, not fishing in PA. I was just looking for an easier option than tying egg flies, since flies don't really matter for salmon. It seems like some of you put bead users right up there with sponge and treble hook users.
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I was asking about salmon fishing in NY, not fishing in PA. I was just looking for an easier option than tying egg flies, since flies don't really matter for salmon. It seems like some of you put bead users right up there with sponge and treble hook users.