Baxter State Park, ME



Active member
Nov 26, 2022
I am planning to hike Mt. Katahden in late June. I was wondering if anyone has any experience fishing in Baxter. It looks like it would have some fantastic options! I won’t have a ton of time but I don’t think I’ll be able to be there and not fish. Any thoughts?
Good luck on Katadin! Damn near died on hottest day of that summer. Hurt for a week afterwards. Planned on fishing for a day or 2 after hike and no way that was happening. We did fish along the Golden Road north east of Millinocket. Used streamers and wets and caught a few nice salmon and brookies up to 12". Did hit a little caddis hatch in a slower run one day and had hits as soon as the fly hit the water. Fished for about 2 hours on the east branch of the Penobscot north of Millinocket on our way back from Theuralt (sp) fly shop. The shop and hackle operation (gems also) are worth visiting and for fishing guidance. He's a good guy and has good hackle.
I went there for a week every year for about 15 years straight with 4 friends. We went this time of the year, some years the week before, and other times the week after, Memorial Day. We always stayed at the Matagamon Wilderness Camoground, which is just outside the northeast corner of Baxter, on the East Branch of the Penobscot River.

We mainly fished for Landlocks in the East Branch, but usually spent a couple days each year fishing one or 2 of the walk in ponds inside Baxter, or traveling to fish the West Branch.

I’m sorry I don’t remember the specific ponds we fished in Baxter (I always just went where the other guys I was with took me, as they had probably made that trip for 10 years before I started going with them), but I do remember the fishing was always good wherever we went. And the black flies were always horrendous! 😃 Regardless, I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Are you staying in the park?

The park has a great number of ponds, many with canoes you can rent. That time of year and you may hit the hexes.

The W. Branch of the Penobscot is big, beautiful water along the Golden Road. Salmon and Brook trout. Caddis. Incredibly tough to wade. Be careful and watch out for the logging trucks. It's their road. Get out of the way :)

East Branch is a great option as well. Easier to wade than the west branch.

It really depends on where you'll be. It's wild up there (I used to live and work in Baxter State Park) and can take quite a long time to get to places.
WB below Rip Dam. Huge, fast water. Awesome fishery.
Wow it’s great to here from people who have been up there. I didn’t know if there are people on PAflyfish that have been in that area. Thanks for the recommendations so far. I would probably shoot for some of the “ponds” or lakes in Baxter. Do they mostly have fish? And if so are we talking mostly brook trout?
Brook Trout. Some are stocked, some have wild, native fish. PM me if you want specific ponds. Are you staying in the park? Near it? Millinocket (the closest town) is quite a haul…