Bauer Reel Cork Care?



Dec 22, 2016
I have an older (25 years or so) Bauer fly reel that has a cork drag. I've taken care of the reel and kept it clean but I can't find any information specifically about how to maintain the cork. There isn't any information on their website and an internet search doesn't really help much. I did read that care may differ between Abel and Bauer, but any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not familiar with a Bauer reel. The cork drag reels I have are Tibors and they require the cork to be greased periodically using a graphite grease that they supply. Other than that the only upkeep is to rinse them with freshwater and back the drag completely off once they dry.
I'm not familiar with a Bauer reel. The cork drag reels I have are Tibors and they require the cork to be greased periodically using a graphite grease that they supply. Other than that the only upkeep is to rinse them with freshwater and back the drag completely off once they dry.
Thanks for the response.... I looked on Bauer's website and there isn't any information about cork care, and a general internet search has conflicting info.... I read about using neatsfoot oil, as well as a graphite grease on the cork. I can't think the reels (or the cork) is that different. Thanks again.
I'm glad to help if I can.

I've heard of different lubrication products per manufacturer. I know that the original Tibor reels were made with cork from a Model T Ford clutch. If you could find what cork Bauer uses, it might help you figure out what lube to use on that cork.

I looked up Bauer's number (888-484-4165) I'd call them and get the maintenance info straight from the reel maker.
I periodically put a couple drops of Neatsfoot Oil on my Abel reel’s cork drags. That’s what Abel recommends and it has kept a cork on a couple of my older Abel Big Game reels as good as new for more than 20 years.
Call Bauer. They will sent you the oil to use for the cork.