Bass Candy



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I saw this tied at a PHW outing and I thought I would give it a try.
Not to bad for a first time tie. I hope the fish like them.



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Can you share the recipe and instructions?
Jack, I will try and put that together for you shortly.
Hook is a size 6 4x streamer hook
Brown Monocord thread
Lead wire
Pheasant Tail fibers
Thin Skin Mottled Bustard
Medium Rubber, orange
Mallard flank
Medium Brown Hackle
Prismacolor pen color Sienna Brown

Wrap the hook with about 10 raps of lead near the eye.
At the hook been, tie in pheasant tail fiber, about 6, 1 hook length long. Orange rubber that you market with a black pen, 3 strands a little longer than the pheasant tail. Also tie in the thins skin which is about 3/4 of a hook gap wide.
Dub the head pretty thick and the stack 3 mallard feathers. Cut the center out of the feathers to form the claws.
Pull over the thin skin and wrap with thread to make the head.
Wind thread to the hook eye and tie in the Brown Hackle. Then dub the rest of the body to the head.
Palmer the hackle and tie it off behind the head. Wind thread back a bit and pull thin shin over to make the sections all the way to the tail.
Tie off and make a rounded tail.
Color the thin skin with the prismacolor pen, do not use a sharpie because it has a solvent that will take the design off the thin skin.

Hope you understand this because this is my first attempt at posting instructions.



  • creefishsupplies.jpg
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Thanks. Yes it is understandable.