Bass anyone???



Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
Chaz, you have a way with words. Loved your response.

All this talk about fishing clubs... I've decided to accept offers for access to my two ponds. I'm starting the bidding at two beers. That is two real beers. None of that Coors Light crap. And Iron City will only count as a half a beer. Anhauser Busch products will not count at all. I will not pay for one (because of what they did to Rolling Rock), therefore I will not accept them as payment.

I fished for a brief time in my pond in the woods on Saturday. Caught and removed a few panfish. Tied on a small jointed rebel minnow painted like a yellow perch, and caught of all things ... a perch. Also caught a couple bass. this pond is now loaded with small bass. Something huge took a swipe at the lure and missed. I don't know what it was. All I know is I saw a large silver flash, and a huge wake. There is at least one bass in there that is over 20 inches and that is conservative. There is also a couple large channel cats in there. One was 10 pounds when I put it in there a couple years ago. My guess is it was a channel cat. Things are really starting to shape up in there. I've been seeing less of those stunted sunfish.

This morning I was drinking my coffee while watching over my domain. Saw three huge bucks and a doe in the oat field. All three bucks are developing into what would be wall hangers for most people, but the biggest one was truely exceptional. He already has 12 points with nubs for numbers 13 and 14 and he is a typical rack. these guys are like the ones you see on those game farms. Did I ever mention that I love this place?

Later in the week, i plan to try and get some pictures. I sure wish I had a longer lense. I guess I will be decked out in the chamo.
Dave, I am still waiting to hear from you regarding where I might be able to get one of those miniature rods that you used to take that bluegill photo.
Farmer Dave,

How dare you. Those are the poeples fish and the peoples dear. Your were probably drinking the people's coffee as well. '

Why I have every right to those fish as you do. How dare you enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Dave - I might be willing to part with a pair of ales in exchange for a day of bass fishing. How far is your property from Philly?

I still owe you a beer for misreading and flaming one of your comments a while ago.

Perhaps I'll take you up on that somewhere down the road.

3 beers (2 for fishing + 1 i owe) for fishing? Sounds good. That leave 9 for me!!
ian_brown wrote:
Dave - I might be willing to part with a pair of ales in exchange for a day of bass fishing. How far is your property from Philly?

Before you start out, make sure you fill up with gas. Directions from Philly are simple. Hope on 322 and head west. After crossing the Ohio state line, go another 5 ot 6 miles and turn right... I'ts a little far for you for a day trip. ;-)
ryanh wrote:
Farmer Dave,

How dare you. Those are the poeples fish and the peoples dear. Your were probably drinking the people's coffee as well. '

Why I have every right to those fish as you do. How dare you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Calm down. Those "dear" people's deer? I was only looking. It's not a sin to look, "dear". Those peoples panfish I caught on Saturday? I fed them to the peoples raccoons. the others I threw back. Now the coffee was all mine. Never touch a man's beer or coffee without permission. :-D

No deer to report this morning, but I did see a doe last night and a few bunnies. Lots of tying material for me to chose from.

I'd be happy to come on over and take one of those bucks off your hands this fall. They eat too much, can't have them chewing up your profits. Ha-Ha. I'll bring a keg of Sam Adams if I have to.

Is it true that you guys can still only hunt with shotguns in Ohio? I went to college with a few guys who lived there and that was a big complaint. They could hunt ground hogs with rifles, but in deer season it was shotgun only. Go figure.
Now that offer sounds interesting...

But they aren't eating my profits. I lease the fields to another guy and i got paid in advance. They are eating his profits.

Unfortunately, I have given permission to three other guys already (bow season) and only about 25 to 30 acres of my property is wooded. However, it is possible they won't show. As the season gets nearer, give me a shout. It may be do-able. Of course, I get first crack at them.
That's a deal Dave. Is that true about the shotguns?
guttrap wrote:

Is it true that you guys can still only hunt with shotguns in Ohio? I went to college with a few guys who lived there and that was a big complaint. They could hunt ground hogs with rifles, but in deer season it was shotgun only. Go figure.

It is true that you still cannot use a "rifle." However, I have a 12 guage with rifled barrel that i feel inside 100 yards is as deadly as my 30-06. and with the rifled barrel, you can use sabotted slugs which increases your range. I can also use a revolver or even a contender as long as it is not a necked down rifle cartridge. You can also use an inline muzzle loader. Some of those new ones are almost as good as a cartrigde rifle.

I thought you were a bow hunter. And by the way, crossbows are legal without special permits.
Yes I bow hunt. I also hunt with an inline since it's become legal here. I used to hunt with a flint, er flinch lock but I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn door with it. My Dad was pretty good with it but I'm not. They are fun though. I use the inline to hopefully get my doe hunting out of the way before rifle season. I can then concentrate on the bucks. They're getting kind of scarce in my neck of the woods.
Yea, the big bucks are getting scarce over here, too. Last year I saw five of them running together all spring, this year i have only seen the three.

So far. :p

Chances are I probably won't see those big boys during the gun season. By then, they will be mostly nocturnal (based on the past 4 years), and hiding out in the wetlands in the bottom of the valley. My best bet will be archery. But I hate hunting when it is warm out. Maybe i'll just use the camera. This big one is so awesome; probably the biggest I have seen outside of the Penn State deer farm. Verdict is still out until I see him closer up. I am not sure if I want to shoot him or not if given the chance. Besides, the small one are much tastier and a whole lot easier to butcher. ;-) What can i say, I'd rather eat bambi than some old mule. Plus, I'm a cheap SOB and butcher my own. That one would be a lot of work so I'd have to take it to a butcher.
Yeah those big ones are tough. I'd much rather eat a young one, the one problem is they're not much bigger than a squirrel. I butcher my own too. I actually kind of like it. Last year my whole family helped out. My son shot his first deer and my wife and six year old daughter came over to help butcher. I have a picture of my six year old girl carrying around a front leg. She looks like a murder, grandma didn't like that one very much. I can't believe you thought I was a PETA member, man I'll have to look over that post again.

Did you attend Penn State? My wife went there and has a video of the deer farm. Some monsters in there.
I never really thought you were a PETA type. That PETA comment was only a jab.

I went to Pitt, and wished I had gone to Penn state. I think I was 16 when I visited the deer farm as a deer expert and guest speaker. ;-)
That's an impressive distinction for a 16 year old Dave. Some of my 16 year olds in class are lucky to be able to sharpen their pencil.
guttrap wrote:
That's an impressive distinction for a 16 year old Dave. Some of my 16 year olds in class are lucky to be able to sharpen their pencil.

OK, that last part was a joke, but I did visit at age 16. I suspect you knew that. I'm sure you appreciate that most 16 year olds think they were experts at everything. I do think I asked some good questions though. :-D

I learned a lot on that visit.

I was heading down to the woods with my all terain utility vehicle to cut firewood on Friday. I drove right up to a nice buck. I mean, I was probably no more than 20 feet away. He thought i couldn't see him in a patch of small maples, but with that red summer coat, he stuck out like a sore thumb. He didn't take off until I stopped and said hello (literally). He only had about 6 points so far, but was still early in development. He'll will be a nice 8. Still pretty young. I haven't seen many does yet this year, but I have seen fawn tracks, so they are around.